On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Stefan Bidigaray <stefanb...@gmail.com>wrote:

>  Well, looking more into it I have 2 major problem with JACK, even though
> it is a great API.  JACK now has 2 APIs, JACK1 and JACK2.  JACK1 doesn't
> support Windows, meaning we wouldn't be able to play sound there.  JACK2
> does support Windows but is C++ base which means I'd have to write code in
> Obj-C++, and I don't think that's desirable for the core libraries.

Actually, looking more into it, it looks like JACK2 still maintains a C
API.  I'll take a look into using it instead, see what the impacts will be.
>From a quick glance, it looks like I'd be able to implement
-sound:didFinishPlaying:, which would be awesome.  I'd have to take a close
look at it, but I think I could also stream the audio buffer instead of
copying the whole thing, improving the time.

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