On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Philippe Roussel <p.o.rous...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hi

> What I'm trying to say is that I think we should try to centralize
> things (one repository for all !) and work on a set of defined
> applications instead of collecting random stuff.


first of all, this is impossible, because not everything out there is
copyright assigned.

IMO the way to go is decentralized,

that doesn't mean we can't have a central repository to collect all
the various decentralized projects in one easy to grab location.

doing this would also allow for the various forks out there to usurp
one another, if one repository dies, and someone picks it up, just
update the location in the 'central collection' to point to a new
repository maintained by whomever.

then the GNU FSF-copyright assigned collection only references GNU FSF
copyright assigned code, and someone else (e.g. the gap project) could
create a project which references the copyright assigned code, + the
other non assigned projects....

ideally you'd be able to build all the sub-projects i one go,
something that we don't get in our existing build system.

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