On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 5:30 AM, Richard Frith-Macdonald
<rich...@tiptree.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> OK ... we just have different perceptions here then.  In those circumstances
> I expect a package to be *available* to all users, but NOT to be
> automatically forced on them.
> Certainly *I* don't want to have something like that imposed on *ME* just
> because someone else installs a package globally.

there is no enforcing here,

people could easily set

defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSAppKitUserBundles '()'

to get no theme bundles, I do this e.g. for using themes in every
application except Gorm
It just pushes the burden of setting defaults onto those that don't
want to follow the global installation
instead of those that do, I am completely fine with installing
defaults system wide
(as long as the system domain doesn't override the global domain)

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