On 18 Feb 2010, at 10:35, Nicola Pero wrote:

>> It has a small effect on how we should organize headers in base too:
>> I want to clearly separate out non-OSX stuff from OSX stuff, so that our 
>> extensions would all be available to OSX users in the base-additions library.
>> I was hoping to just have all the extensions headers collection in 
>> Additions.h and have Additions.h included in Foundation.h for backward 
>> compatibility ... so existing Apps which include foundation.h and expect to 
>> use our extensions would continue to be able to do so.
>> But ... if people aren't going to want to include Foundation.h (because it's 
>> slow), perhaps the individual headers should be made to import the extensions
>> (eg NSString.h would import GNUstepBase/NSString+GNUstepbase.h unless 
>> NO_GNUSTEP is defined).
>> Alternatively, perhaps we need to update all projects to explicitly include 
>> the headers for the extensions (irritating work to do)... I'm not sure what 
>> to do here.
> I personally vote for the option where NSString.h would import 
> GNUstepBase/NSString+GNUstepbase.h (unless NO_GNUSTEP).  It provides the best
> backwards-compatibility solution.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.  Guess I'll have to do that then :-(

> Just out of curiosity, in a normal build, would Additions be built before or 
> after gnustep-base ?

Before ... since base actually links the object files from Additions (so that 
people don't explicitly link in the Additions library unless they are on OSX).

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