On 9 Apr 2010, at 22:37, Fred Kiefer wrote:

> Am 09.04.2010 20:06, schrieb Gregory Casamento:
>> I propose that we freeze the code to all new features on the trunk
>> before the release starting next friday (4/17).   The freeze should be
>> in place for a week or two so that we can find bugs and correct them
>> prior to the release planned for either this month or early next
>> month.
> Looking over the ChangeLog files of base and gui (Yes, another good use
> of these files that would be annoying to be replaced with an SVN
> command), I would say that we are in feature freeze mode for almost two
> weeks now for both libraries.
> OK, my header changes could and did break applications including these
> headers, but tit really wasn't a functionality change.
> From my point of view we could aim at an earlier release date. The
> issues I expect with the new release aren't that much in the core code
> itself, but all the applications using GNUstep should be checked to see
> how much adjustment is needed there.

Riccardo has a reproducible problem with gdnc on Hurd, and I've encountered 
something which might be the same/related thing (which I couldn't reproduce on 
my own machine) when I tried to upgrade systems at work.  It looks like some 
networking issue, perhaps a descriptor leak etc, and really needs to be tracked 
down and fixed before a release.  The fact that I can't yet reproduce it on my 
system means that it might take a while to get it fixed :-(

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