I just want to say that I agree with others have already said.  I also like
Riccardo's suggestion.

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 4:52 PM, Germán Arias <ger...@xelalug.org> wrote:

> Currently many distros have the latest packages of GNUstep: OpenSuse,
> Debian Squeeze, Fedora 14, Gentoo, Arch Linux, T2, OpenBSD, Frugalware
> linux. If these packages works or not is other thing.
> Exactly!  Having the latest GNUstep packages isn't the issue... the issue
is that GNUstep-based software isn't released as frequently.  If you want to
compare apples to apples, GWorkspace, for example, only gets updated every
18 months, or so; SystemPreferences hasn't gotten one since 2009; And other
apps even longer.  Really, only the GAP projects seem to get a decent
release schedule (I gotta give Riccardo props for releasing so often despite
being almost the sole GAP developer).

As for Etoile, I like a lot of the stuff they have but that dependency on
oniguruma is killing me.  Not even Debian has that library in its repos, and
Debian almost has everything.

More frequent updates to GNUstep-based apps would go a very long way.
GNUstep already seems to be in a fairly decent schedule (every few months),
but the apps seem to almost never get released.  There are also certain apps
that only work if you check out an SVN copy.  And in other cases the app
simply instead there (Bean and FlexiSheet in GAP's cvs repo comes to mind).

The identity crisis doesn't help either, but I don't think it's as big of a
problem as some might think.

Of course there others big distros that don't offers GNUstep, like:
> Ubuntu, Mandriva and Slackware.

For a while there I was creating SlackBuilds (www.slackbuilds.org) for
Slackware, but the demand just wasn't there and so I stopped.  If there's an
interest I can easily setup a Slackware install again.

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