I keep wondering if our name is confusing people as to what this
project is.   Since our name references a bygone standard (namely
OpenStep) and we have already, admittedly, moved on to being more of
an implementation of Cocoa than anything else the GNUstep name doesn't
really convey what the project is CURRENTLY all about.
I think the name is just fine. To those who have "ears" and remember NeXTStep and OpenStep it will speak. To others the name is just an accident, with the GNU name in it which is fine. After all, what do names like XFCE, GNOME or KDE mean? It is not really that important.

The confusion is added in defining what GNUstep is. Depending on who is interested in us, we are a Framework (for porting and/or development) or an Environment. It is not easy for me either sometimes...

If I had to choose, I'd take the name GNUstep for the whole project and give a catchy name to gnustep-core. Suppose to call it Espresso or Moka (yes, the latter is the correct Italian spelling). After all it would be the equivalent of Cocoa. But it shall remain a marketing label, I don't want to see <Moka.h> :)

II think people looking for a development environment are usually served, but are perhaps caught in gnustep-make... or in some rough edges of Gorm and ProjectCenter (especially the latter!).

People looking for a porting environment.... are surely confused by the myriad of frameworks and stuff Apple has added to "Cocoa" and which people confuse with it.

People looking for an "alternative desktop" are put away by the fragmentation (especially when it comes to how packages appear in the distributions) and the incompleteness of projects like Etoilé, GAP, Backbone and other "sparse" things. Etoilé at least calls itself a destkop... I as a GAP developer have a certain difficulty to explain you need GNUstep+GAP+WindowMaker to get something together, when people on a Forum will refer to "GNUstep". Often people looking for a desktop environment have a less fragmented concept of everything than we have ourselves. Of course they don't find the pieces to put it together afterwards.

It is a difficult point... we are everything, but we are nothing but dust.


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