Hey that was great, I think you might have given me an idea. I tried running
all of them using sudo -s instead of the sudo command (you gave me the idea
that it was creating a new token everytime) this seems to have worked.

That list might be good to add to the wiki, of course I don't have access
but someone may want to.

Thanks to everyone for their help I will keep testing it out.


On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 9:19 AM, Richard Frith-Macdonald <
rich...@tiptree.demon.co.uk> wrote:

> On 26 Sep 2011, at 13:45, Jackie Gleason wrote:
> > So this time I tried using the --prefix=/usr/local/GNUstep
> OK ... that's yet another prefix, so you will be installing in a new
> location.
> > "Remove all and install make with
> >
> > ./configure --with-layout=gnustep"
> > Ok I will try this today and post back shortly, should I include the
> prefix still as well?
> Well, that could add another layer of confusion ... I'd recommend sticking
> to the default layout rather than changing things.
> > "I expect your executables should be in /usr/GNUstep/share/bin libraries
> in /usr/GNUstep/lib and your headers in /usr/GNUstep/include"
> >
> > Nope here are the ls from those folders...
> >
> > jackie@jackie-Latitude-E6410:/usr/local/GNUstep$ ls
> > bin  etc  share
> > jackie@jackie-Latitude-E6410:/usr/local/GNUstep$ cd share/
> > jackie@jackie-Latitude-E6410:/usr/local/GNUstep/share$ ls
> > GNUstep  man
> > jackie@jackie-Latitude-E6410:/usr/local/GNUstep/share$ cd GNUstep/
> > jackie@jackie-Latitude-E6410:/usr/local/GNUstep/share/GNUstep$ ls
> > Makefiles
> >
> > So as you can see no lib or libraries or any other such folder.
> So you appear to have only the make package installed ...
> That means either you forgot to install base, or you installed base in the
> wrong place.
> The most likely reason for installing base in the wrong place would be
> forgetting to do the '.
> /usr/local/GNUstep/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/GNUsterp.sh' to set up your
> environment, and having a old copy of gnustep-make around in your PATH which
> gets picked up instead (so base gets installed with the old copy of make).
> > "then look in /tmp/GNUstep, I see the lib and include subdirectories with
> the base library stuff in them."
> >
> > There is no /tmp/GNUstep folder
> Nor should there be ... you didn't configure it to install in /tmp ... you
> chose to install in /usr/local/GNUstep
> Really an install of GNUstep should be VERY easy to do ...  if you follow
> the three simple stages it's difficult to get any trouble:
> 1. configure, build and install make
> 2. set up your environment from the GNUstep.sh file produced by (1)
> 3. build/install base and other packages in the environment set up at (2)
> You seem to have succeeded at stage 1, but failed to complete stage3 ...
> which almost certainly means you've gone wrong at stage 2 and are using a
> pre-existing gnustep-make installation rather than the one you just
> built-installed.
> The common (I say 'common', but they're still pretty rare) mistakes here
> are:
> a. running GNUstep.sh rather than sourcing it with the '.' command ... so
> it doesn't actually set your shell environment variables
> b. logging out and in again so the environment variables are lost before
> you build/install the rest of gnustep.
> c. using 'su' or similar to become another user (eg root) and wiping your
> environment variables before building/installing the rest of gnustep.
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