On 12/11/2012 08:47 PM, Gregory Casamento wrote:
I'm eager to find out more about your OS X Loader, can you point me to
something online about it!  It sounds very interesting.





Also recently featured on Phoronix and Slashdot (although I'd say it received publicity a bit too early).

Cocoa Hello world: http://www.dolezel.info/img/darling/

At this point, it's really interesting only for people who want to tinker with it.

I also seem to be hitting quite a lot of deficiencies in GNUstep, so I'm very happy that the GNUstep devs are so responsive.

For instance, Bayon also needs NSTrackingArea, which GNUstep doesn't have yet. NSRunLoopCommonModes is a similar story. And then there are the "File System Resource Properties" in NSURL, which are also missing.

gnustep-corebase needs some love as well, it needs to be bridged with gnustep-base (but this is an area where I'm confident I can help).

In the coming months, I'll probably also take on the implementation of Apple Events in GNUstep - after initial analysis, I feel like building it on top of DbusKit may be a good approach.

Yes, loads of stuff to be done and I'm just getting started :-/


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