On 03/09/2013 02:39 AM, Gregory Casamento wrote:
I don't know if it's possible to implement them using GNUstep.  It
should be possible in general, but I'm not certain.   I thought that
Apple as deprecating Carbon anyway.

You tell the to app developers :-)

There's something screwy going on with how the nib is being read when
it's happening from your loader... I'm not sure why.  I tested locally
and a similar nib file loads just fine.  I will try it with your loader
and see if it fails in a similar fashion ASAP and let you know how that
works out.


I may have posted this already, but this is what the original app does (capture of all outgoing imported function calls + message sends):

[71.1ms] NSApplicationMain(?) ret_ip=0x100001e92
[144.9ms]  +[BNMainWindowController(0x2228db0) alloc](?) ret_ip=0x100001f7a
[145.1ms]   -> ? (0x7fb6ec008378) {0.1ms} errno=11
[145.1ms] -[BNMainWindowController(0x7fb6ec008378) initWithWindowNibName:](?) ret_ip=0x100001f8d [145.1ms] -[NSWindowController(0x7fb6f49fea30) initWithWindow:](?) ret_ip=0x100006549
[145.1ms]    -> ? (0x7fb6ec008378) {0.0ms} errno=11
[145.1ms]   +[NSMutableArray(0x7fb6f32015b0) array](?) ret_ip=0x100006579
[145.1ms]    -> ? (0x7fb6ec00bd68) {0.0ms} errno=11
[145.1ms] -[BNMainWindowController(0x7fb6ec008378) setRunningActivities:](?) ret_ip=0x10000658f
[145.1ms]    objc_setProperty(?) ret_ip=0x10000b382
[145.1ms]     -> ? (0x7fb6ec00bd68) {0.0ms} errno=11
[145.1ms]    -> ? (0x7fb6ec00bd68) {0.0ms} errno=11
[146.1ms]   -> ? (0x7fb6ec008378) {1.0ms} errno=11
[146.1ms] -[BNMainWindowController(0x7fb6ec008378) autorelease](?) ret_ip=0x100001f9a
[146.1ms]   -> ? (0x7fb6ec008378) {0.0ms} errno=11
[146.2ms] -[BNAppDelegate(0x27f9fb8) setMainWindowController:](?) ret_ip=0x100001fb0
[146.2ms]   objc_setProperty(?) ret_ip=0x100002076
[146.2ms]    -> ? (0) {0.0ms} errno=11
[146.2ms]   -> ? (0) {0.0ms} errno=11
[146.2ms] -[BNAppDelegate(0x27f9fb8) mainWindowController](?) ret_ip=0x100001fc3
[146.3ms]   objc_getProperty(?) ret_ip=0x100002029
[146.3ms]    -> ? (0x7fb6ec008378) {0.0ms} errno=11
[146.3ms]   -> ? (0x7fb6ec008378) {0.0ms} errno=11
[146.3ms] -[BNMainWindowController(0x7fb6ec008378) showWindow:](?) ret_ip=0x100001fd6
[171.9ms]   -> ? (0) {25.5ms} errno=11

I wrote a simple *native* GNUstep app that replicates these steps and ended up with the same assertion failure:

2013-03-09 18:33:10.258 loader[3383] NSView.m:4683 Assertion failed in NSSplitView(instance), method initWithCoder:. NSInternalInconsistencyException 2013-03-09 18:33:10.258 loader[3383] Exception occured while loading model: NSView.m:4683 Assertion failed in NSSplitView(instance), method initWithCoder:. NSInternalInconsistencyException
2013-03-09 18:33:10.258 loader[3383] Failed to load Nib
2013-03-09 18:33:10.260 loader[3383] Cannot load the main model file 'BNMainWindowController'

Luboš Doležel

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