On 02/26/2013 01:35 PM, Ivan Vučica wrote:
But, I think offering a mobile GUI for use with a mobile window
manager on a mobile device is not a bad idea either. Building a
project that can equally well run under an existing environment (e.g.
rendering into an Android GL ES context and routing Android events
into UIEvents), be used for development on desktops (in Xephyr and
Xnest or even directly) and be used for running on an new platform
while at the same time offering a recognizable and
as-compatible-as-possible API... well, I think that's a good thing,

Well, should such think materialize, I'd be worthwhile - and relatively easy in fact - to support direct launching of iOS apps on Android via Darling. Although I imagine Apple wouldn't be too happy about this, since I assume pirated iOS apps could then be run on (non-rooted) Android devices :-)

So far I haven't been lucky even with running a console iOS "Hello World" on Android, since the it segfaults even before Darling's main() is called. Crappy Android dynamic loader is to blame :-(
I've had a lot of "fun" with it on other occasions, too.

But I wish a lot of good luck to you. There is a *lot* of untapped potential in GNUstep...

Luboš Doležel

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