
On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 8:33 AM, Fred Kiefer <> wrote:

> On 28.12.2013 14:17, Gregory Casamento wrote:
> > I really need to learn to stop using my phone dictation to send emails.
> But it was fun to read :-)
LOL, they often are. ;)

> > I did a clean build of core, then a clean build of GORM. I then created a
> > new empty document, then I went to the pallete and dragged a menu into
> it.
> > I did this on both platforms precisely the same and it worked for me
> please
> > let me know if I'm missing something.
> Yes, that is what needs to be tested. In the meantime I tried with my
> Windows virtual machine and there it works. Looks like German and I have
> a local problem we need to solve ourselves. Still it would help if you
> could point me to the class that should be accepting the drag of the
> menu. Is it GormObjectEditor?

Yes, that is one of the places you need to look.  Also look at
GormPalettesManager.  There is code there which specifically handles
dragging of menus and windows in the method draggedImage:endedAt:deposited:
near line 105.

Are you both using Ubuntu?  Perhaps I could help further by using a VM that
runs Ubuntu instead of debian.

Gregory Casamento
Open Logic Corporation, Principal Consultant
yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
(240)274-9630 (Cell)
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