On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 06:45 CET, Germán Arias <germanan...@gmx.es> 
> El mar, 31-12-2013 a las 02:09 +0100, Sebastian Reitenbach escribió:
> > Hi all,
> [..]
> > 
> > * maybe trash the wiki.gnustep.org
> >   * its unmaintainable, contains lots of outdated,
> >     incorrect and misleading information
> >   * incorporate important information into the main website
> >     OR someone (or a team) needs to be willing to review
> >     it regularly and if necessary clean it up/update outdated
> >     info there
> I think the wiki is important, we just need invite people to update and
> write. In other way, if we put all at main website, this will be a lot
> of work for whichever is the maintainer. And with the time this will
> become outdated.
> I suggest, remove the news from wiki, and add a main page with some
> information about what is available at wiki. Like, for example, GNU
> Octave wiki (http://wiki.octave.org/Main_Page) or Emacs wiki
> (http://www.emacswiki.org/).

Yeah, I came up with a radical proposal, to get attention, and start
a discussion, if there are better ideas, like you have, then I'm all 
for it.
I'm all for it to move the news from the wiki to the main website.
Also for the front page of the wiki, I like the idea of having kind of an 
index, and structure in the pages.

> And, since we have Software Index, we can remove all the apps at wiki.
> Because this is a duplicated effort.

Yes, all this redundant information is cumbersome to update.
When I update i.e. a GAP application, I have to update the GAP site,
the softwareindex, and the wiki page. If at least one could go away,
that would already be a plus.
Further, there are tons of apps listed in the wiki, that point to 
outdated web pages, etc. If there is any interested in those apps,
then we should maybe find them on the web, and import them
to GAP before removing those apps pages from the wiki ;)

> If you are agree, I can help in this way. Even with the recording of
> some video tutorials to show some basics examples. And put this at
> http://www.mediagoblin.com/ or at http://gobblin.se/

I have no idea about how to record videos to show basic examples,
but with HTML5, we could just put them on the gnustep.org web site,
and include a <video> tag. No need scatter things around the web.

So, in short, I agree and would appreciate your help.


> Regards.
> Germán.

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