
On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 5:11 AM, Sebastian Reitenbach <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 19:18 CET, Riccardo Mottola <>
> wrote:
> > Hi David,
> >
> > I totally agree, between Xmas, New Year and "bugs" I had to time for
> > website coding. If you check what I started on, it has
> > only menus which I want to eliminate too and it works on iPhone (except
> > for the menus).
> >
> > I had no time to  follow and to reply all the threads sorry. I do not
> > like Sebastian's design too much aesthetically, however he has valid
> > points in the website restructuring, which needs to be done anyway also
> > for the design I have in mind. I'll layout some ideas I have discussed
> > with Greg as soon as I can. I hope that we can share ideas and efforts
> > there.
> Maybe you could create a PoC webpage somewhere, to better show
> off what you have in mind and discussed with Greg?
> Also why your design then ended up as is, some background information
> would be nice ;)

I agree.  It would be nice to have an example to work on.

> Then I think it will be easier to take the best ideas from both designs,
> and
> combine the work.

Also agreed.

> > Actually, the best would be to start the restructuring using the
> > current, proven look and later apply a "new" look.
> For me this sounds than much more work than doing a radical change.
> Now you are going to touch every page, restructuring, then you go
> touch the pages again, applying the nits needed for the new CSS and
> style to work?

I disagree with Riccardo here in the sense that the current look is not
"proven" at all.   What needs to happen is a radical redesign of the site
and an entirely new way of presenting the information on it.  I hate to
sound like a business person, but our recent discussion on the list with
Doc O'Leary did yield a few unpleasant revelations.    One of which is that
our message is entirely confusing and that the website is a big part of

> To everyone else, thanks for the feedback so far. I'll collect it, and
> send a summary, I think latest on the weekend.

Thanks, GC

> cheers,
> Sebastian

Gregory Casamento
Open Logic Corporation, Principal Consultant
yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
(240)274-9630 (Cell)
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