On Thu, 2016-01-14 at 15:49 +0000, Ivan Vučica wrote:
> I think it would be worth reviewing this code. If you agree, I'd love
> a patch series applied on top of a particular Subversion commit
> (possibly published as a series of Git commits on top of a mirror
> created by Gregory). Each patch should tackle one self-contained task
> ("git add -i" is awesome). Alternatively, each Git branch should
> tackle one task, and could be collapsed into a single patch (i.e.
> Subversion commit).

I like the idea of linking git commits to self-contained tasks. In
fact, is the strategy I use for all my repos, both personal and
professional (in this case, we do SCRUM, and each commit should
reference a bug/task/improvement ticket).

Bundling a bunch of changes of a branch into a single one doesn't sound
as good, though. That could only mean that you have a really broken
commit policy for your git repo, and that you need this to make some
sense of it ;-)

> I'd personally like to review patches as a Git repository published
> on in whatever manner you prefer. If the patches are sent as .patch
> files, I will be applying them on top of whatever is the latest Git
> commit in Gregory's mirror of -gui and -back. Once done, they would
> be submitted to Subversion.
> These approaches would be useful for easy review -- possibly even via
> Gerrit. What do you think?

Using git with a sane commit policy, there're plenty of options.
Generating patches with format-patch, pull requests, or, as you said,
directly examining the commits in the repo.

That said, moving everything (repos, issue tracking, milestone
management and even CI) to a self-hosted Gitlab instance (or some other
similar, FOSS tool) would surely make the life of both maintainers and
contributors a lot easier. I know is somehow inappropriate to say this,
being a newcomer, but hey, you asked :-P

> Additionally -- because reviewed code is easier to review when
> executed -- could you prepare setup instructions so I can more easily
> build and run this? My desktop is Ubuntu 14.04; my understanding is
> that I will need to run Weston under X11 (Nvidia drivers I use are
> proprietary blobs; I haven't tried setting up X-less Wayland thus
> far).

Weston has a variety of its own backends, so you can run in under X11,
directly on FB/DRM, or under another Wayland compositor.

To run it you'll just need to build wayland-protocol, wayland and
weston (the forked one). Probably, there should a page in the wiki
explaining this, among some description of its design and internals.

> Have you filled copyright assignment forms with FSF? This would be
> necessary to import your code into GNUstep itself.

Not yet, but I filled them in the past for other projects (GNU Hurd,
GNU Mach, and Glibc, I had a wild youth ;-), so this shouldn't be a


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