It'd be cool to see this running with NiftyTitleBar (which requires GNUstep
rendered decorations),

There was a patch to which allowed (a certain non-standard)
escape sequence in the shell prompt to call setRepresentedFilename: which I
found incredibly useful

I'd be surprised if this did not require some fixing though to get it
working again.

On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 7:39 AM, Gregory Casamento <
> wrote:

> Looks great! One of GNUstep's strengths is being able to render it's own
> window decorations
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 10:37 Sergio L. Pascual <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2016-01-14 at 00:23 -0500, Gregory Casamento wrote:
>> > Also, which version of the Rik theme are you using here?
>> The one from this repo (
>> eme) with a minor change to enlarge the main menu bar.
>> > I can't stress enough how cool this is.  One issue that has always
>> > plagued GNUstep on X is the lack of full control of the window
>> > border.  On X, for instance, the curved corners of the windows don't
>> > show properly.  With your wayland backend they seem to display
>> > perfectly.
>> Wayland favors client-side decorations, so this backend just returns NO
>> in handlesWindowDecorations. The hard work is being done by the Rik
>> theme :-)
>> Sergio.
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