Hi all!

some important work was done the past fortnight... Richard and I did great stuff in base!

I had two concerns for a release
1) in back we have a strange issue which is going on since past year and which affects only windowmaker: on launch the app-icon was at first black, now it is totally grey. It comes from various "fixes" Sergei did, but which actually caused a regression compared to the old buggy code of the past release! The bug happens only with the xlib and cairo backend, the art backend just works fine.

2) mingw 64bit stopped working on several installation recently. While the latest changes where thought to be the cause, actually it was old code using a mix of old and even older win32 functions. Working with Fred, I cleaned them all up to the newer level.

I commited this tonight on a special "win64-fixes" branch - should be merged before release.

I think this fix is very important, things just worked "by chance" for a long time and possibly broke with a mingw or windows update! It absolutely should get into release if it is confirmed to work (or even not to harm, since it improves for me and is technically correct)

I encourage Richard and Gregory to test this branch and if it works for them, thumbs up.

I did a test on a couple of installs I have and it works, both 32bit and 64bit, Windows 7 and Windows 10. If someone has an install of WinXP or Win2000, a test would be appreciated. I have, but not available right now in time for this week.

I'm quite satisfied for this last-minute work!


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