
Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
> I haven't actually tested, but I did look at the diffs and read up on the 
> difference between Get/SetWindowLong and Get/SetWindowLongPtr, and it all 
> makes sense to me ... I was unable to reproduce the problem on my system 
> simply because, thorugh chance, the windows the system was giving me all 
> existed in the low part of the address space.
> The only error is spotted in the change was in WIN32Server.m when styling a 
> popup window ... here LONG (32bit) is used to hold the style information, 
> where the API requires LONG_PTR (64bit).
> This would have the catastrophic effect of losing style information for popup 
> windows for all those many users of 64bit windows on a big-endian CPU :-)

really catastrophic. Since 64bit is only supported since Windows 2000, I
think that would restrict to  Alpha, since PPC was only supported in NT4
if I am right :) And no mingw outside intel, AFAIK.

Still, not elegant.. I think I just found the spot and addressed it in
my last commit.

I'll write some changelog and open a PR, just in time for the release!


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