Hi All. Let's look at the code first:


#import "stdafx.h"

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {

NSNumber *myFloat1;

NSNumber *myFloat2;

myFloat2 = [NSNumber numberWithDouble: 3.14];

myFloat2 = [NSNumber numberWithDouble: 2.78];

NSComparisonResult result;

result = [myFloat1 compare: myFloat2];

if (result == NSOrderedSame) // acutal always

NSLog(@"Numbers are equal");

else if (result == NSOrderedAscending)

NSLog(@"Float1 is less than Float2");

else if (result == NSOrderedDescending) // expected! but not

NSLog(@"Float1 is greater than Float2");

return 0;



I found that there seems to be a problem with the compare method of NSNumber, 
in the code above, why is the comparison result of compare always 
NSOrderedSame,  it should be NSOrderedDescending here isn't it ?

Best regards!

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