On Nov 13, 2007 9:16 AM, Jesse Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   First of all, hello! I'm not sure how I got roped into this, but I did a
> new site design, and am working on converting it to HTML (and PHP) right
> now. The response overall was quite positive, so we're moving forward with
> it (as far as I can tell -- I got no one telling me 'no').

Yeah, sorry about that!

I'll start work on rewording/rewriting some of the stuff on the website.
I'll follow the organization put forward below.

Can we decided on what to do about Fred's request on the Developer's
section?  I think a menu option called "Developer's Corner" should be added,
where we could move the Developer's Blogs to.

I'm still wondering if it's a good idea to keep any news that is not release
news on the home page.  I think we can probably move Wiki News, CIA.vc and
Planet stuff all into the "News" section and keep only release news on the
main page.

 - Home Page
 +- Most recent news (release news only)
 +- Search
 +- Screenshot with link to Screenshot Page
 +- Upcomming Events

- Get Started
 +- Overview
 +- Download
 +- Installation Procedure
 +- Tutorials/Documentation (development related stuff)
- Documentation
 +- Links to Wiki
 +- I think on this one we can actually use the current Documentation page
but organize a little better
- News
 +- CIA.vc commits (and get rid of Status page)
 +- Planet (I have no idea what this is)
- Developer's Corner
 +- Equivalent to http://gnustep.org/developers
 +- Developer Blogs (I'm still not sure I like this, I'm a little anti-blog)
- Applications
 +- List + screenshots of known Apps
- Support
 +- Mailing Lists
 +- Bug Reports
- Contributing
 +- Donations
 +- How to Contribute

What do you guys think?

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