On Nov 13, 2007 10:24 AM, Jesse Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here's my updated structure:
> Home
>  - Most recent commit(s)
>  - Most recent news
>  - Search
>  - 'Contribute' call-to-action
>  - Screenshot with link to screenshot page
>  - Upcoming Events
> Get Started
>  - Overview
>  - Download
>  - Installation Procedure
>  - Link to Development page
> Development
> (I'd like the Development section to be a modified and themed version
> of the wiki we currently have. It would need to be cleaned up a lot,
> but I think that that makes the most sense. Also, we'll need to pull
> out all the non-development content from it and move it somewhere
> else... either to another wiki installation or to something like a
> forum.)
>  - Documentation
>  - Tools
>  - Tutorials
>  - Manuals
>  - Roadmap

I'm not sure I agree with having ALL development related content on a wiki.
Certain subjects, such as Tutorials, Roadmap, etc are good to have on the
wiki because of the ability for users to modify it.  But others, such as
Manuals (including man pages) and certain Tutorials (such as installation),
are fairly static and actually should be updated as easily as updating a
wiki page.  Examples of this would be, as I mentioned before, man pages,
library references, and installaton tutorials.

In my opinion, we should have a more hybrid Development section, where
things that are meant to change frequently are located in the wiki, and
others on the main site.

> News
>  - Blog aggregator (using Planet) (includes Unofficial GNUstep blog,
> developer's blogs, Etoile blog, and other related blogs)
>  - CIA commits
> Applications
> (This may also work as a wiki, but should be separate from the
> Development wiki)
>  - Featured application (brief overview and screenshots of a
> selected app, to change monthly)
>  - Application gallery lists all apps and screenshots of apps
I like this idea, this is exactly the type of thing that needs to be
wikisized.  The GNUstep wiki already has a pretty extensive list of apps
which can be used.

> Support
>  - Mailing Lists
>  - Forums (?)
>  - Who's Who
>  - Bug Reports

Not sure I like the Forums idea.  There's nothing a forum offers that a well
defined set of mailing lists don't (with this I'm also suggesting somewhat
of a refactoring for the mailing lists, GNUstep currently has 10).

> Contribute
>  - How to contribute
>  - Wishlist (simple things that potential contributers could help
> with, answers the questions "What can I work on? What can I do to
> help?")
>  - Donations

The wishlist should probably be maintained in the wiki, and we'll just
provide a link to it!

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