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By: kbroadey

md5sum is part of CoreUtils 5.3.0, as is dd.

The reason for the extra pipe is that I found a hint somewhere on the worldwide
web that piping dd into md5sum was the way to get a CD checksum, because you
want to be summing the entire ISO image of the disk, not just the disk contents.

But you're right - md5sum /dev/cdrom works on Ubuntu, giving the correct answer,
and md5sum \\.\D: with GnuWin32 gives the same wrong answer on Windows, do the
dd is superfluous.

One thing I have noticed is that "df" on both Ubuntu and Windows reports the
CD size as 476630 1K blocks.  However, "dd bs=1k" on Ubuntu reports that it
has processed 476930 blocks (300 more than there are on the CD) while on Windows
it reports 476630.

Also, if I do "dd bs=1k count=476630" on Ubuntu, I get the same checksum as
I do on Windows.  Which means that Ubuntu is finding 300K more on the CD that
Windows is seeing.

Am I runnning into some bizarre blocksize issue?  Or does \\.\D: on Windows
give me the mounted contents of the ISO 9660 image, while /dev/cdrom on Ubuntu
gives me the raw disk image (which is what I need).

So the bottom line seems to be - how do I get at the raw CD disk image in 
because \\.\D: isn't giving it to me.

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