Greetings Sriram! Thank you for pointing that out.

Here is what i tried:
1. switched to *go *user and checked known_hosts
[go@ip-172... ~]$ cat .ssh/known_hosts, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 A...........

2. added ssh-add into bashrc, so each connection to that user should now 
start with key adding to ssh agent
[ec2-user@ip-172... ~  ]$ sudo su - go
Last login: Thu Nov  2 00:10:17 UTC 2023 on pts/1
Agent pid 25465
Identity added: vladimir_key3

3. tried to git clone:
[go@ ip-172... ~ ]$ git clone
Cloning into 'reponame'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3343, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (71/71), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (56/56), done.
^CKilled by signal 2.6% (2207/3343), 1.68 MiB | 1.37 MiB/s
git clone works both for *go *and *ec2-user*

4. restarted go-server

The error message is still the same...

On Monday, October 30, 2023 at 2:59:35 PM UTC+13 wrote:

> The known_hosts file for your GoCD user needs the GitHub server’s ssh key.
> Are you able to perform git clone using the command line as the gocd user?
> On Mon, 30 Oct 2023 at 6:12 AM, vv-fork <> wrote:
>> Thank you very much for the hints!
>> I still wasn't able to make it work. Here is what i did: 
>>    - changed the group and owner of the key to 'go' and of the .ssh 
>>    directory.
>> [ec2-user@ ~]$ sudo ls -al /var/lib/go-server/.ssh/
>> total 4
>> drw-------.  2 root root  26 Oct 26 21:45 .
>> drwxr-x---. 12 go   go   169 Oct 27 03:16 ..
>> -r--------.  1 go   go   432 Oct 26 21:45 vladimir_key
>> [ec2-user@ ~]$ sudo ls -alh /var/lib/go-server/
>> total 102M
>> drwxr-x---. 12 go   go    169 Oct 27 03:16 .
>> drwxr-xr-x. 28 root root  16K Oct 25 03:21 ..
>> drw-------.  2 go   go     26 Oct 26 21:45 .ssh
>> drwxr-xr-x.  3 go   go     23 Oct 25 03:34 artifacts
>> -rw-r--r--.  1 go   go   102M Oct 27 03:16 cruise.war
>> <...>
>>    - changed url to ssh like according to the instruction, where *myuser 
>>    *is the user in link[myuser]/[myreponame], and 
>> *myreponame 
>>    *is the name of the repo in the link (just substituted them here in 
>>    order not to expose).
>> [image: Untitled2.jpg]
>> What i get according to the pic is 'key verification failed'.
>> What I am doing wrong again?
>> Vlad.
>> On Friday, October 27, 2023 at 6:28:23 PM UTC+13 Chad Wilson wrote:
>>> Based on the error message it looks like the clone URL you are using is 
>>> still an HTTPS one - to use SSH auth, you need to change it to an ssh URL, 
>>> e.g - it's an entirely different git 
>>> transport, not just an auth mechanism so the URL needs to change 
>>> accordingly :-)
>>> If you're new to using SSH to talk to a git repo manager, you might want 
>>> to try doing it separately on the command line with a git clone before 
>>> getting it to work with GoCD as adding in the GoCD server and agent adds 
>>> some extra complexity.
>>> -Chad
>>> On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 1:13 PM vv-fork <> wrote:
>>>> Thank you guys Sriram and Chad for answering those! Now it's getting 
>>>> clearer to me
>>>> *I was able to connect using token. It's fine.*
>>>> Though I* wasn't able* to connect using SSH Certificate. 
>>>> The key has been generated and installed:
>>>> [image: unnamed.png]
>>>> it seems i set proper permissions:
>>>> [image: unnamed.png]
>>>> but i still get that error message when i test connection from 
>>>> go-server:
>>>> --- STANDARD ERR --- STDERR: fatal: could not read Username for '
>>>>': No such device or address ---
>>>> So what am i doing wrong? May that be I have messed with permissions 
>>>> for *go user*?
>>>> Vlad.
>>>> On Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 8:41:33 PM UTC+13 Chad Wilson wrote:
>>>>> To add on to Sriram's comments, the use of the 
>>>>> github-oauth-authorization-plugin doesn't have any relationship with 
>>>>> access 
>>>>> to repository content on GitHub - it simply allows people to log onto 
>>>>> GoCD 
>>>>> using their Github identity, and optionally to have access to GoCD 
>>>>> pipeline 
>>>>> groups mapped to GitHub roles.
>>>>> This is because materials/repositories need to be accessed in an 
>>>>> identity known to the GoCD server/agents, not necessarily the individual 
>>>>> user who happens to be logged in to GoCD. So even if you use that 
>>>>> authorization plugin, you still need to decide how to provide GoCD itself 
>>>>> access to repositories on Github.
>>>>> You can use an SSH key linked to a GitHub user 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> if you wish to use SSH access - no restrictions for private repos unless 
>>>>> your GitHub org blocks use of SSH keys. If you instead wish to use HTTPS 
>>>>> access to repositories you have to fill in a username/"password" for each 
>>>>> material you configure. That "password" would be a personal access 
>>>>> token 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> with at least read-only access to the 1 or more repositories you want to 
>>>>> use.
>>>>> If you want to share one personal access token across many materials 
>>>>> (perhaps a single token has read-only access to many repositories), the 
>>>>> easiest way is to use a GoCD Secrets Management plugin and refer to them 
>>>>> in 
>>>>> the username/"password" fields of each material using the special secrets 
>>>>> interpolation syntax: 
>>>>> This will work with either manually defined pipelines/materials, or those 
>>>>> defined externally in source control.
>>>>> -Chad
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 3:01 PM Sriram Narayanan <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Please see:
>>>>>> The gocd server runs as a particular user account. That user account 
>>>>>> needs access to the ssh private keys used to authenticate with GitHub.
>>>>>> The go agent too needs the same access.
>>>>>> Assuming you are on Linux and installer gocd via rpm, then you would 
>>>>>> set this key in the home directory ( 
>>>>>> /var/lib/go-server/.ssh/myprivatekey.id_rsa)
>>>>>> Permissions for .ssh would be 600, and for the key would be 400, with 
>>>>>> the gocd process user owning the directory and The identity file.
>>>>>> — Sriram
>>>>>> On Thu, 26 Oct 2023 at 12:00 PM, vv-fork <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello colleagues!
>>>>>>> What is the best way to connect on-prem goCD with GitHub private 
>>>>>>> repo in cloud? I was smoking docs and manuals for quite a while, but 
>>>>>>> what 
>>>>>>> people say it’s to install ssh keys to both GitHub and goCD, which 
>>>>>>> won’t 
>>>>>>> work, since I am using, so i suppose i can’t install ssh 
>>>>>>> key there.
>>>>>>> I’ve installed github-oauth-authorization-plugin and set it as 
>>>>>>> described (connection ok in authorisation configuration step), and 
>>>>>>> restarted the server, however it’s still throwing that standard error 
>>>>>>> “fatal: could not read Username for ‘’ meaning 
>>>>>>> that the access is still closed.
>>>>>>> What else can be done as you think?
>>>>>>> -- 
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