Nuno, did you sayAntónio Costa?  Costa never belonged tothe group of 
submissives who left Goa. He was born in Portugal.
 Well, António Costa apologizes for the Wiriamumassacre: “Inexcusable act that 
dishonors our History”

“I cannotfail to evoke and bow before the memory of the victims of the Wiriamu 
massacre,an inexcusable act that dishonors our History”, stated the Prime 
Minister ofPortugal, before the President of the Republic of Mozambique, in 
António Costa pede desculpa por massacre de Wiriamu: “Acto indesculpável que 
desonra a nossa História”

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António Costa pede desculpa por massacre de Wiriamu: “Acto indesculpável...


“Não posso deixar aqui de evocar e de me curvar perante a memória das vítimas 
do massacre de Wiriamu, acto indes...



    On Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 12:00:06 PM GMT, 'Nuno Cardoso da Silva' 
via Goa-Research-Net <> wrote:  
 Pedro, I respect your opinions, even if they may sound a bit extreme. But let 
me remind you that the "submissive insignificant minority" has given Portugal 
some of its most notable people, including the still Prime-Minister of 
Portugal. Maybe Goa lost something when that "insignificant minority" left Goa 
to join the country they had come to accept as theirs. I wish that prior to 
1961 we had been able to find an alternative acceptable to the vast majority of 
Goans, but clearly we weren't enlightened enough to find it... All the best to 
you, to Goa and all Goans Nuno  Sent: Monday, December 18, 2023 at 9:43 AM
From: "'Pedro Mascarenhas' via Goa-Research-Net" 
To: "Goa-Research-Net" <>
Subject: [GRN] Goa, 19/12/1961: The Portuguese constitution of 1933 and the 
Indian constitution of 1950
The foreign constitution of 1933 imposed by Salazar on the Goans, threw them 
into the abyss of an iron dictatorship that did not allow any political, 
economic, cultural advancement, etc. These Goans were part of the Indian people 
who had not yet been liberated. They went through prisons, extreme poverty, 
racism, tribulation for the Hindu majority.


Salazar considered himself a messianic leader, therefore, with his doctrine of 
propagating “Western civilization” he intended to “domesticate the wild 
indigenous people”.

Shortly after World War II, all colonized peoples have vowed to destroy 
colonizing forces wherever it exists.

In India, already free from the British colonial yoke, the democratic 
constitution of 1950 gave full freedom to its citizens. The Goans, for example, 
living in Mumbay (Bombay), knew what a democracy was.

On December 19, 1961, the mighty Indian army serving the largest democracy in 
the world came with the 1950 constitution, making the 1933 constitution 
obsolete, which, curiously, even for Western Europe was completely 

Few Christian batkars (landlords) opposed liberation, and the Hindu majority 
was clearly supportive of their integration into Mother India, and among the 
Christian minority, hostility to the Portuguese colonizer and the desire for 
association with India predominated, even though, for some, with a status of 
autonomy that preserves Goan specificity. There were, in addition to the 
batkars, groups of “descendants” from Goa and the small mixed-race community of 
Daman who opposed the liberation. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of 
Goans would celebrate the advance of the Indian army as a liberation.

After the liberation, this submissive insignificant minority, settled mainly in 
Portugal and the colony of Mozambique, came up with plan B, the utopian 
independence that vanished after the military coup in Lisbon in 1974. Two 
former members of the Casa de Goa from Lisbon told me that, as a last resort, 
after its foundation in the early years, this Casa emerged as a kind of Trojan 
horse to pinch the government of the state of Goa. This was also the perception 
of some Goans who came from the colony of Mozambique. Therefore, they did not 
join massively as members and, in parallel, founded ARCIP (Associação 
Recreativa Cultural Indo-Portuguesa). After 1961, the Indian state of Goa 
elected native Konkani-speaking leaders and no longer had foreign 
governors-general and foreign bishops who only spoke Portuguese, a language 
unknown to the majority of the native population. 
The Constitution of India is the fundamental and supreme law of India. The 
document establishes the framework that demarcates the fundamental political 
code, structure, procedures, powers and duties of government institutions and 
establishes the fundamental rights, guiding principles and duties of citizens. 
The Magna Carta. It is a permanent plebiscite, a participatory democracy. Does 
democracy have flaws? Winston Churchill once said that “democracy is the worst 
regime except for all the others.”
Since 1991, India has risen economically very robustly, becoming the 3rd 
highest GDP in Asia. It benefited a large number of Goans. Which are the top 5 
GDP countries in the world? The US, China, Japan, Germany, and India, 
respectively, hold those positions in 2023. According to IMF data.

Goa is neither Gaza strip, nor Somalia, nor Sudan, nor East Timor. Timor-Leste 
is the Least Developed Country and is heavily dependent on Indonesia according 
to the World Bank. And what about Macau and H.Kong integrated into China?

On this day of liberation of Goa :“-Jai Hind”. 

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