[ From another listserv]:

The Chronicle of Higher Education is sponsoring an on-line discussion this
week on the issues raised by a story about a debate at the California
Institute of Technology over whether professors should try to retain the
copyright on the articles they publish in journals. The provost at Caltech
is pushing the plan as a way to deal with the rising costs of journals,
but some faculty members fear that going along would hurt their chances of
getting published. The story and and the on-line discussion can be found
at:  http://www.chronicle.com/colloquy/98/copyright/background.htm


A Provost Challenges His Faculty to Keep Copyright
on Journal Articles

He asks: Why should colleges pay publishers to gain access to work
produced on the campus?


Steven E. Koonin, provost of the California Institute of Technology, has
an idea about journals and copyright, an idea radical enough to change the
way scholars share the results of their research. It has already intrigued
his colleagues, prompted a rigorous debate among professors, and disturbed
some of the biggest players in scholarly publishing.

Go to: http://www.chronicle.com/free/v45/i04/04a02901.htm
for more information.

Joseph R. Kraus   Science Librarian   Penrose Library
Univ. of Denver   2150 E. Evans       Denver, CO 80208
(303) 871-4586    jokr...@du.edu      http://www.du.edu/~jokraus

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