> Date:         Tue, 29 Sep 1998 17:13:43 -0400
> From: John Grohol PsyD <joh...@cmhcsys.com>
> Subject:      Re: End-of-98 thoughts
> To: september-fo...@amsci-forum.amsci.org

> The hosts number is much more believable at between 3,000 - 8,000 people
> per day accessing the site. I'd find it hard to believe that 65,000 unique
> people were looking at that particular Web site every day!

note that those stats are only the web, and only the main site -- doesn't
include the 15 country mirror network (see http://xxx.lanl.gov/servers.html),
or the older e-mail or ftp interfaces which still see usage.
while we're getting as many as 80,000 web hits per day at the main site,
the number of users, aggregated over mirror sites and interfaces (and proxy
servers -- note that many of the above "hosts" do actually serve far more than
one person via proxy caches), is probably around 35,000 per day now, and
the total number of users somewhat higher (not everyone is on every day) --
difficult to estimate exactly.

> And it's not 20,000 authors a year according to:
> http://xxx.lanl.gov/cgi-bin/show_monthly_submissions It's 11,706 authors a
> year,

no idea where that number would come from ... the number of submissions so
far in september '98 is 2201, and we expect close to 25,000 submissions in
calendar '98 , perhaps more due to the new cs archive that just turned on
15 sep 98 (see xxx.lanl.gov/archive/cs/intro.html).

> and we don't know how many of those are non-unique authors.

yes we do, and taking into account that many of the submissions have
multiple authors, the total number of authors involved comes out somewhat
higher than the number of submissions.

agreed this info is not necessarily all that obvious from the stats pages,
but they were designed for something else. on the other hand, no reason to
underestimate the activity levels... people in my community (high energy
particle theory) voted overwhelmingly with their mice starting seven years ago.
the trend in other fields has occasionally been slower, but still monotonic.


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