Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 15:41:29 +0100
From: Fytton Rowland <>

As a member of the advisory committee on the ALPSP project, but
nevertheless having my own opinions about scholarly publishing matters,
I have some sympathy with the views Professor Harnad puts forward. The
ALPSP survey contains a lot of very useful data on the reactions of a
large sample of authors (over 3000 responses were obtained) to a number
of electronic-publishing questions. But it was, when all is said and
done, carried out by a group of publishers, albeit not-for-profit ones,
and was funded by them for their own benefit. So it was to be expected
that it would look primarily at a model of scholarly publishing that is
a modification of, not a revolutionary change from, the conventional
model from the past.

In fairness, though, it must be said that the ALPSP meeting that
launched their report, held in London on 9 April, did also present
papers on other models. I was specifically asked by ALPSP to address
the topic of "Non-Commercial Alternatives", and in my paper I reviewed
a number of these, including, needless to say, Professor Harnad's
ideas. The papers from that meeting will appear in the July 1999 issue
of ALPSP's own journal, Learned Publishing.

Fytton Rowland, Director of Undergraduate Programmes,
Department of Information Science,
Loughborough University,
Loughborough, Leics LE11 3TU, UK.

Phone +44 (0) 1509 223039   Fax +44 (0) 1509 223053

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