> (...)
>In fairness, though, it must be said that the ALPSP meeting that
>launched their report, held in London on 9 April, did also present
>papers on other models. I was specifically asked by ALPSP to address
>the topic of "Non-Commercial Alternatives", and in my paper I
>a number of these, including, needless to say, Professor Harnad's
>ideas. The papers from that meeting will appear in the July 1999
>of ALPSP's own journal, Learned Publishing.

I would be very interested in your paper.
Will it be available in a web site, for free access? :-)

José Luis Borbinha <borbi...@bn.pt>
Biblioteca Nacional (National Library of Portugal)
Direcção de Serviços de Inovação e Desenvolvimento
(Direction of Services for Innovation and Development)
Campo Grande, 83 - 1749-081 Lisboa - PORTUGAL
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