On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Peter Suber <pet...@earlham.edu> wrote:
> * Also in the December _JEP_, Marshall Poe describes why online publishing
> will save the specialized monograph.  You'll enjoy his funny, first-person
> account of an experiment with informal peer review, the public domain,
> Printing Service Providers (PSP's), and print-on-demand.
> http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/07-02/poe.html

There is an error in this article.  Around 15th paragraph in the
article, the worried editor was wrong in saying that the lack
of copyright notice meant that anyone could copy Marshall Poe's
book without permission.  Also, Marshall was wrong to say that
this was what he wanted.  The myth (the lack of copyright notice
means that one can copy a book without permission) is common
that it is mentioned first in the list of 11 common myths about
copyright at http://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html.

Joseph Pietro Riolo

Public domain notice:  I put all of my expressions in this
post in the public domain.

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