Excerpts from the Free Online Scholarship (FOS) Newsletter
     December 12, 2001

* The LANL Research Library has released version 2.0 of FlashPoint, a cross-archive search engine specifically designed for MathSciNet, SciSearch, BIOSIS, and the DOE Energy database.

Brian Krebs and Robert MacMillan, House Subcommittee Revisits Online Copyrights

DMCA Report by the U.S. Copyright Office

Alexander Higgins, Web Copyright Treaty Set for March

Brian Krebs, Global E-Copyrights Treaty to Take Effect in March 2002

WIPO press release on the occasion of the 30th ratification

* The LibLicense discussion list has created a web page of initiatives that provide free or affordable peer-reviewed online journals to developing nations.

* On December 11, Google launched the first complete archive of usenet newsgroups. For scholars who used usenet newsgroups for professional dialog and communal reference help (before spammers and blowhards ruined them), this a major FOS initiative. It is to usenet roughly what the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine is to the web. The archive is integrated into Google's existing structure of usenet groups, not a separate database. No previous collection of usenet groups has offered the complete backlist back to 1981, the year usenet was created. To piece the whole backlist together, Google had to arrange to use (buy?) portions of the archive held by many individuals.

* Chris Sherman and Gary Price are two indefatigable net scholars. Chris writes about search engines and Gary about libraries; I regularly read Chris' newsletter and Gary's blog and often glean FOS news items from them. Now they've collaborated to produce a directory to the invisible web, to follow up their recent book on the same subject. Online databases that produce dynamic web pages on demand are "invisible" because they can't be crawled by standard search engines. However, many have their own search engines and don't require passwords or registration. A lot of academic content exists on the invisible web, and most of the sites covered in this directory are free. Check it out.

* The powerpoint presentations from the October Dublin Core and Metadata conference in Tokyo are now online.

* Until scholars hold the copyright to their scholarship, national copyright rules can limit its accessibility and utility. You need to know the rules to work effectively to change them or simply to skate on the edge. For either purpose, the new WIPO Guide to Intellectual Property Worldwide will be useful. Look up a country and find up to date citations to relevant domestic law and treaties (but not excerpts of the laws themselves) and addresses and phone number of relevant organizations.

* TheScientificWorld has also launched worldMEET, a free online database of scientific conferences. You can search the collection by keyword or create a personalized subset with all the conferences from selected scientific fields. worldMEET will also put conference proceedings online at no cost.

* The Libraries of the University of Nevada at Reno have put online an annotated list of tools and resources for editing and publishing online journals, including some organizations and initiatives that support them.

* Matthew Eberle has put online his PubMed Javascript Feeds, which syndicate PubMed search results. Right now the page contains six hardwired feeds, but will eventually contain source code for doing it yourself.

* The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DMCI) has released a newly revised recommendation for the RDF/XML expression of the Dublin Core. It will welcome public comment until January 7.
Simple DC, http://dublincore.org/documents/2001/11/28/dcmes-xml/
Qualified DC, http://dublincore.org/documents/2001/11/30/dcq-rdf-xml/

* JISC has put online a draft plan for an Information Environment (IE) that would provide "secure and convenient access to a comprehensive collection of scholarly and educational material". More specifically, the IE would enable links between online information and learning resources, enable downloading and use of online content without violating intellectual property rights, and open up access to restricted resources. JISC invites comments on the plan, which should be sent to <information.environment [at] kcl.ac.uk>.

* Harvard University and Inera Inc. have put online their joint report on ejournal archiving. The report investigates the question whether a common DTD (Document Type Definition) for scholarly journals could be developed into which different publishers and archives could translate their SGML files. The investigators studied DTD's used by many major publishers of electronic scholarly journals.

* In the latest issue of the _International Journal on Digital Libraries_, Simon Buckingham Shum and two co-authors review ScholOnto, an ontology-based digital library server for research documents and dialog about them. Only the abstract of this article is free online.

* In the December issue of _First Monday_, Christopher Kelty looks closely at the analogy between free software and free science (FOS) and the sense in which "reputation" can replace money and ground a gift economy in the two domains. He concludes that the informal rules that govern the gift economy in science are complex and subtle, and that citations cannot do everything in the economy of science that money does in the economy of goods and services.

* Also in the December _First Monday_, Philip Mirowski looks at specific ways in which changing copyright law and the commercialization of science together endanger scientific research, publication, and even debate.

* In the November-December 2001 _Educause Review_, James Hilton debunks some common copyright myths. In the end he argues that what is most distinctive about the present age is not information processing but "viewing information as property" and that this tendency "threatens scholars' ability to conduct research and teach".

* In the November _High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine_, Arturo Montejo Ráez and David Dallman summarize their work at CERN in using classification software to automate the process of attributing keywords to physics articles.

* In _IBM Systems Journal_, T. Nasukawa and T. Nagano describe how software for text analysis can be made useful for knowledge mining.

* In the October issue of the _Bulletin of the Medical Library Association_, Frances Chen and two co-authors study how online access affects the print subscription prices to medical journals. Their data show that percentage price increases were lowest for journals with no online access and for journals in aggregates. Free online access to accompany paid print subscriptions was formerly a popular model but has largely been abandoned. The price variation among journals with similar online access rules suggests that journals are still trying to figure out how much online access really costs and how much the market will bear.

* Thoemmes Press is publishing a free online Encyclopedia of the History of Ideas. It adds new entries in real time as they are written.
(Free registration required.)

* Academic Institutions Transforming Scholarly Communications (SPARC/ARL Forum at the ALA Midwinter Meeting)
New Orleans, January 18-23

* High Quality Information For Everyone And What It Costs
Bielefeld, February 5-7

* Internet Librarian International 2002
London, March 18-20

* The New Information Order and the Future of the Archive
Edinburgh, March 20-23


The Free Online Scholarship Newsletter is supported by a grant from the Open Society Institute.


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Peter Suber

Copyright (c) 2001, Peter Suber

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