On Sat, 20 Jul 2002, muir gray wrote:

> I think the debate is too focussed on the future of the journal and am
> pleased to see that it now addresses the monograph. a colleague and I have
> just made a monograph by working directly with a printer and making
> simulataneous paper and electronic form of the book with no need for
> bookshops or warehouses. the printing revolution is as important as the
> pagemaking revolution

This Forum is focused mainly on the contents of peer-reviewed journals
for the following reasons:

(1) It is free online access to the peer-reviewed research literature that
is the research community's principal concern.

(2) Non-free online versions of books that are produced to be sold are
not the concern of this Forum. This is not a Forum about new ways to
produce or market "eBooks."

(3) Free online books are not a problem. They are by definition
open-access already.

Stevan Harnad

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