On 17 Nov 2003, at 20:42, Stevan Harnad wrote:

> I have to admit that this is the first I've ever heard of any papers
> being removed from Arxiv for copyright reasons.

Me too. There are 11 entries across the whole *physics* archive which
have any comments about copyright: 9 are mentions of copyright, 2 are
indicating problems (#3, #4 below).

3. astro-ph/0301194 [abs, ps, pdf, other] :
Title: The little galaxy that could: Kinematics of Camelopardalis B
Authors: Ayesha Begum, Jayaram N. Chengalur, Ulrich Hopp
Comments: Accepted for publication in New Astronomy. For copyright
reasons this version is slightly different from the accepted version,
although the differences are minor
Journal-ref: New Astron. 8 (2003) 267-281

4. physics/0202004 [abs, src] :
Title: Electron excitation and 'cascade' ionisation of diatomic
molecules with ultra-short pulses of strong IR lasers
Authors: A.I. Pegarkov
Comments: Removed by arXiv admin as author submitted a version for
which he does not hold copyright
Subj-class: Optics; Chemical Physics
Journal-ref: Chem. Phys. Lett. V. 343, 642-648 (2001)

However, if you look for the word "withdrawn", there are 399 records
returned. Almost all of these (for which a reason is given) are either
due to plagiarism or the discovery of errors in the paper. The list of
comments appears below:

(Paper is being withdrawn: original conclusion is incorrect for the
nonabelian case. For a correct treatment, see M. Asorey, S. Carlip, and
F. Falceto, hep-th/9304081.)
(Section 7 on the Massive Case and some references have been
withdrawn). To the Memory of Laurent Schwartz. Report-no:
(This paper replaces our earlier, withdrawn, paper, hep-th/9712178.)
Minor typos corrected
(Withdrawn due to error. See D. Lowe, L. Susskind and J. Uglum,
hep-th/9402136, for correct treatment.)
(Withdrawn: This paper turns out incomplete and even misleading. I must
apologize to all of the recipients.)
(no figures) This paper is being withdrawn (ssar...@ua1vm.ua.edu)
0, plain tex, This paper is incorrect, and has been withdrawn by the
1 postscript figure, uses revtex.sty This paper has been withdrawn, as
further work has shown that an atom laser as described by the model
herein *does not have a steady state*, so it doesn't matter much what
it would look like
2e, title changed, section 2 withdrawn and one reference added. To
appear in Phys.Lett.B
6 pages; Withdrawn at author's request Mon, 30 Oct 95
; Claims in connection with disordered systems have been withdrawn;
More detailed description of the simulations; Inset added to figure 3
After a 3.5 month refereeing delay, withdrawn and submitted to ApJL,
where it is now in press
An observation from the previous version has been withdrawn and a new
proof added. Submitted for publication in PRA
An uncorrectly justified claim about adding Einstein Rosen bridges
Certain speculations introduced in Part III of the original paper have
been withdrawn. Additional (minor) comments have been made
Criticism of results by Nagao and Slevin withdrawn
Errors corrected, section 4.1 withdrawn and title changed. A more
complete treatment will appear in a forthcoming paper
Hence, the original version of this paper has been withdrawn
Hence, the original version of this paper has been withdrawn
Hence, the original version of this paper has been withdrawn
II", and is hence withdrawn
Manuscript withdrawn by the authors
Manuscript withdrawn; see below
Original version was submitted to MNRAS on 13, Jan, 2003, which was
withdrawn. After heavey revison, its essence was resubmitted to ApJL on
18 Aug. 2003. 2nd revision.
Paper Withdrawn
Paper Withdrawn. Some aspects of the RG calculation have to be
reconsidered. It will be rewritten
Paper contains an error and is withdrawn for now
Paper has been withdrawn
Paper has been withdrawn for major repairs
Paper has been withdrawn; see cond-mat/0301499
Paper is withdrawn and superseded by EFI-94-36 which will appear
shortly with the new hep-th number hep-th/9407111
Paper is withdrawn pending lifting of data embargo
Paper is withdrawn. See quant-ph/9812019
Paper temporarily withdrawn for remodeling
Paper withdrawn
Paper withdrawn
Paper withdrawn
Paper withdrawn
Paper withdrawn
Paper withdrawn
Paper withdrawn
Paper withdrawn
Paper withdrawn
Paper withdrawn after reanalysis of data. Paper no longer available for download
Paper withdrawn because its principal conclusion is proably wrong
Paper withdrawn by authors, due to crucial omission of higher resonances
Paper withdrawn by the authors for reasons explained in the relacement
Paper withdrawn due to a crucial algebraic error in section 3
Paper withdrawn due to errors
Paper withdrawn due to incorrect results
Paper withdrawn pending major revisions
Paper withdrawn pending resolution of this problem
Paper withdrawn. Replaced by by gr-qc/0212077
Paper withdrawn. Results are now seen to be consistent with a previous paper
Paper withdrawn. The `P'-multiplets are really just another way of
writing the ordinary multiplet with a gamma_{45} in front of the
fermions and negative signs in front of some of the bosons
Paper withdrawn; for a much more complete treatment, see
Paper withdrawn; will be replaced by revised version containing
application to lattice models
Paper withdrawn; will be replaced with more details and corrections
Postscript file this http URL Paper withdrawn
Postscript file this http URL Paper withdrawn
Postscript file this http URL Paper withdrawn
Postscript file this http URL Paper withdrawn
Postscript file this http URL This paper has been withdrawn.
REVTeX, 4 eps figures,paper withdrawn
RevTeX, Temporarily withdrawn pending additional corrections
Revtex, (included), conclusions concerning AGS have been withdrawn
Summary of a book withdrawn by arXiv administrators
Temporarily withdrawn. larger version of this review is currently in
The additivity claim made in the previous version is withdrawn
The contents of this document have been withdrawn pending its mailing
at a future date
The paper has been temporarily withdrawn by the authors.
The paper has been temporarily withdrawn from publication
The paper has been withdrawn
The paper has been withdrawn
The paper has been withdrawn
The paper has been withdrawn
The paper has been withdrawn because an error has occurred in the
combinatorial estimates of the cluster expansion. It will be
resubmitted as soon as the problem is fixed
The paper has been withdrawn by the author
The paper has been withdrawn by the authors for modification
The paper in its present form has been withdrawn
The paper is withdrawn
The paper is withdrawn as the conjecture proposed in it is wrong
The paper is withdrawn by the authors
The paper is withdrawn due to an error in identifying the operators O_9
and O_{10} which leads to erroneous conclusions
The paper is withdrawn due to certain inherent problem in the public
archival data of BATSE which may have modulation due to satellite
The paper was withdrawn by the authors
The paper was withdrawn for revision
The paper withdrawn by the author
There is a conceptual error in the main argument of this paper
(essentially a regularization scheme is changed in the middle of a
calculation), and therefore it is withdrawn. Interested readers are
instead referred to hep-th/9811137
Therefore, this preprint has been withdrawn. Readers are welcome to
refer to hep-ph/0207106
This article has been withdrawn by the author as peer review found that
a computational error invalidates the main conclusion of the paper.
Nothing about cosmology can be concluded from the observed parameters
for GB971214 alone. I have included a table with the correct luminosity
distances at the correct redshift of z = 3.418
This comment is withdrawn
This comment on nucl-th/0101024 has been withdrawn after a fruitful
discussion with the authors of the adressed article
This paper has been superseded by hep-th/0303164, "The Dirichlet
Obstruction in AdS/CFT", and is hence withdrawn
This paper has been temporarily withdrawn by the authors. See the new
Abstract for more information
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn because superceded by e-print
hep-ex/0309021, containing Vol.1 and Vol.2 together
This paper has been withdrawn by the author
This paper has been withdrawn by the author
This paper has been withdrawn by the author
This paper has been withdrawn by the author
This paper has been withdrawn by the author
This paper has been withdrawn by the author because eq.(4) et seq. is
This paper has been withdrawn by the author because the conclusions
reached in it are incorrect
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a misunderstanding
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to inconsistency of the
considered working hypothesis. The consistent treatment is presented in
the last publications of the author
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to inconsistency of the
considered working hypothesis. The consistent treatment is presented in
the last publications of the author
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to it contains some
errors. A corrected treatment is presented in further publications of the author
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to the appearence of
enlarged version with one new author name more (hep-ph/0012293).
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to the triviality of
the considered coordinate transformations. A consistent treatment,
based on the extended physical radial coordinate, is presented in the
publications of the author 2000 - 2003
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to the triviality of
the considered coordinate transformations. A consistent treatment,
based on the extended physical radial coordinate, is presented in the
publications of the author 2000 - 2003
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to the triviality of
the considered coordinate transformations. A consistent treatment,
based on the extended physical radial coordinate, is presented in the
publications of the author 2000 - 2003
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to the triviality of
the considered coordinate transformations. A consistent treatment,
based on the extended physical radial coordinates, is presented in the
publications of the author 2000 - 2003
This paper has been withdrawn by the author following a request by the
spokesman of the DELPHI collaboration
This paper has been withdrawn by the author(s)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author(s)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author(s), due a crucial sign
error in conclusion
This paper has been withdrawn by the author(s), due crucial errors in
'Introduction' and "Discussion and Conclusion"
This paper has been withdrawn by the author(s), due to double
submission. You can find it under: physics/0208019
This paper has been withdrawn by the author(s), see hep-th/0205152
This paper has been withdrawn by the author(s).The scheme presented is insecure
This paper has been withdrawn by the author, due a crucial error in the main 
This paper has been withdrawn by the author, due to an error following Eq. (5)
This paper has been withdrawn by the author. Proofs of two propositions
need more details
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors as the result is not
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors as we await a larger model
space calculation
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors because the action has
already been given in hep-th/9907202
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors due to a crucial mistake
in the derivation of themain result
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors following evidence that SN
1998bw and GRB 980425 are two distinct sources
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors until some changes are made
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors, as some results were not
confirmed in later experiments
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors, as some results were not
confirmed in later experiments
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors, because a serious
experimental problems
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors. The contents and results
have been largely extended in cond-mat/0010425 and cond-mat/0010426
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors. This paper started with a
wrong term describing elastic scattering. The correct form of the
kinetic equations for the density matrix are derived e.g. in A. Dolgov,
Yad. Fiz. 33 (1981) 1309; K. Enqvist, K. Kainulainen and J. Maalampi,
Nucl. Phys. B 349 (1991) 754; G. Sigl and G. Raffelt, Nucl. Phys. B 406
(1993) 423. When using the correct form of the kinetic equations, the
result is in good agreement with old results, A. Dolgov and S. Hansen,
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors. due fail of replacement
of the paper. new version is hep-ph/0201214
This paper has been withdrawn due to a reinterpretation of the
experimental results. It was realised that the fluorescence increase
comes from the caging effect at the onset of vitrification
This paper has been withdrawn due to a wrong file downloaded
This paper has been withdrawn due to an error discovered by the Authors
in their treatment of the Doppler shifts of quasiparticles and
This paper has been withdrawn due to new simulations that modify some
of the results
This paper has been withdrawn for modification
This paper has been withdrawn for two reasons: (1) it has been
superseded by "A Priori Probabilities of Quantum Disentanglements"
(quant-ph/9810026); and (2) due to a programming error, all the random
numbers generated were drawn from [0,1], while certain of them should
have been taken from [0,2 pi]
This paper has been withdrawn from the E-Print Archive
This paper has been withdrawn since it has been superseded by "Quantum
theory from five reasonable axioms" - quant-ph/0101012
This paper has been withdrawn since its main results now explained in
hep-th/0001040 and hep-th/0001069
This paper has been withdrawn since its results now explained in
hep-th/0001040 and hep-th/0001069
This paper has been withdrawn since its results now explained in
hep-th/0001040 and hep-th/0001069
This paper has been withdrawn to address an omission. It will be
resubmitted in the near future
This paper has been withdrawn, and to appear in Mechanics Research
This paper has been withdrawn, and will be superseded by another
This paper has been withdrawn, due to possbility of cheating by Alice
by sending the state $\mid\uparrow \uparrow>$$
This paper has been withdrawn. A more complete and clearer version is
available in gr-qc/0310032, Class. Quant. Grav. 20 (2003) 4753-4779
This paper has been withdrawn. A significantly revised version will be
posted in the near future
This paper has been withdrawn. A similar adiabatic cooling effect has
been observed in the low field Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations of a high
mobility GaAs/GaAlAs 2-D electron system. The relationship between the
two phenomena is being investigated
This paper has been withdrawn. Measurements at different angles
spanning a broad range of electron densities indicate that the doubling
of the period of SdH oscillations, which we had attributed to a
transition to a new spin-ordered phase, is also consistent with an
alternative explanation. A full paper will be posted at a later date
This paper has been withdrawn. See hep-ph/0209176
This paper has been withdrawn: the proposed method is insecure. I thank
H-K. Lo and H. F. Chau for helpful correspondences
This paper has being withdrawn by the authors due to an error in the
This paper has now been withdrawn
This paper is being withdrawn
This paper is being withdrawn
This paper is being withdrawn, as it has been superseded by
quant-ph/0006009, "Quantum State Estimation Using Non-separable
Measurements". The successor paper contains several additional analyses
and figures, and corrects the previously reported "anomalous"
Gill-Massar trace result (Fig. 1) for N = 7, so now the values 2 N - 1
for the pure state limits of these traces are obtained for all the
studied cases, N = 2,...,7, of N copies of the two-level quantum
This paper is temporarily withdrawn. A revised version of work in
progress may be available in August
This paper is withdrawn
This paper is withdrawn
This paper is withdrawn
This paper is withdrawn and has been superceded by cond-mat/0107429,
showing the band gap to be a bulk property
This paper is withdrawn as it is equivalent to the paper
quant-ph/9605035 by Gilles Brassard
This paper is withdrawn at the request of the journal, pending
This paper is withdrawn by its authors
This paper is withdrawn by the author. It is superseded by Makhlin's
paper quant-ph/0002045
This paper is withdrawn due to the incorrect handling of some formulas
This paper is withdrawn for revisions and clarification
This paper is withdrawn. A revised and expanded version of this work is
available as hep-ph/9603323
This paper supercedes cond-mat/9705001 which was withdrawn. Revtex
This paper supersedes hep-th/9403072 which has been withdrawn
This paper was withdrawn because of gaps in this paper
This paper was withdrawn from ApJ by the authors in April 1998 due to a
serious error
This paper was withdrawn on 19.11.97. The protocol described does not
evade the no-go results of Mayers, Lo and Chau, to whom I am most
grateful for helpful correspondences
This paper withdrawn by the authors due to errors in the TEM
measurements of the densities and sizes of small islands
This preprint has been withdrawn by the authors to make room for the
two papers in which its content is now published: astro-ph/9810395 and
This preprint has been withdrawn. A ladder which exhibits long-range
order in staggered orbital currents is discussed in cond-mat/0107094
This submission substitutes paper quant-ph/0212148 that was withdrawn
This work is a descendant of an earlier paper circulated as
hep-ph/9411225 which has been withdrawn
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration due to plagiarism of chapter 10 of
the BaBar Physics Book
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration due to plagiarism of chapter 10 of
the BaBar Physics Book
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration due to plagiarism of chapter 11 of
the BaBar Physics Book
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration due to plagiarism of chapter 11 of
the BaBar Physics Book
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration due to plagiarism of chapter 13 of
the BaBar Physics Book
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration due to plagiarism of chapter 7 of the
BaBar Physics Book
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration due to plagiarism of chapters 1 and 6
of the BaBar Physics Book
WITHDRAWN by arXiv administration due to plagiarism of hep-th/9610131
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
WITHDRAWN by third party submitter due to known plagiarism in
hep-ph/0302267 hep-ph/0304039 hep-ph/0304040 hep-ph/0304041
hep-ph/0304042 hep-ph/0304043 hep-ph/0304044 by same author
Withdrawn 12/15 to correct an error; will resubmit
Withdrawn July 1998. Submitted full version to J. Stat. Phys. July 21,
1998, which is now published in J. Stat. Phys. 95, 949-979 (1999)
Withdrawn and 'replaced' with quant-ph/0005062
Withdrawn as the term fuzzy is confusing and is no longer used
Withdrawn because of the reasons explained in the abstract
Withdrawn because the main claim can be found in another article,
Withdrawn bu author because the Bk operators were non-unitary and
Withdrawn by arXiv admin because authors mistakenly submitted a revised
version as a new paper: hep-ph/0003093
Withdrawn by the author
Withdrawn by the author due to irreparable errors
Withdrawn by the authors
Withdrawn by the authors due to errors in equations (1) and (2)
Withdrawn by the authors. See hep-lat/9905030 for recent results on
this subject
Withdrawn by the authors. Since the elements within each period of
function hA are not distinct, period finding cannot operate properly.
Thanks to all for the comments and sorry for the inconvenience
Withdrawn due to error in proof of Lemma 1, and collaborative work
which renders it obsolete
Withdrawn due to major changes in concepts and results
Withdrawn due to numerical error
Withdrawn for revision, due to misinterpretations of the results
Withdrawn for revision, due to weak point in the logic
Withdrawn from PRL pending revisions
Withdrawn pending publication
Withdrawn, as all conjectures (and one claim) have been proven incorrect
Withdrawn, because contradicted by the more complete treatment of
Withdrawn, combined with chem-ph/9505003
Withdrawn, fixed version to appear later
Withdrawn, see cond-mat/0103246
Withdrawn, see corrected and extended variant in gr-qc/0106068
Withdrawn. Early draft submitted prematurely in error. Complete version
to be submitted shortly
Withdrawn. Mechanism works convincingly only for the higher mass
companions observed in the known resonant systems
Withdrawn. Replaced by quant-ph/0308160 (cf accompanying txt file)
Withdrawn. Revised version may appear later
Withdrawn. See A.Nurmagambetov, hep-th/9804157
Withdrawn. See Candiello and Lechner, Nucl. Phys. B412 (1994) 479
Withdrawn. The proof doesn't work in general
Withdrawn. The results in the paper only work for a certain subclass of
Boolean functions, in which block sensitivity has properties similar to
those of ordinary sensitivity. They don't work in general
Withdrawn; A revised version of the paper will be resubmitted shortly
Withdrawn; originally put in incomplete form without permission
Withdrawn; replaced by longer, more detailed paper quant-ph/0010065
Withdrawn; some of the generalized Jacobi identities (used for
identifying linearly independent terms) were not independent
themselves, and consequently many terms were missed; please refer to
the corrected version (which includes considerable new material -
on-shell reduction as well as an application of the O(q^4) terms)
change of Kobayashi Maskawa to Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa in title and
elsewhere upon editorial request, removed typo, one periferal statement
comment withdrawn and replaced by a longer paper, see cond-mat/0002050,
and Superlattices and Microstructures 26, 367 (1999)
conjecture withdrawn
figures 4 and 5 have two .eps files each WITHDRAWN by submitter due to
weakness of approach
included, invited talk given at the Int. School--Seminar 'The Actual
Problems of Particle Physics', Gomel, August 9--17, 1997, Belarus.
WITHDRAWN because the author does not wish dissemination of any of the
results contained in this review
k-dependent analysis is withdrawn
manuscript revised, incorrect data are withdrawn
metric is corrected, replaces withdrawn paper
no figures, Eqs.(18)-(26) have been corrected, some important changes
have been made, replaces the withdrawn version
original submission withdrawn by the author, replaced by 2 page erratum
explaining the errors
paper has been withdrawn
paper is withdrawn
paper is withdrawn - the model lacks a stable ground state
paper withdrawn
paper withdrawn
paper withdrawn
paper withdrawn
paper withdrawn
paper withdrawn
paper withdrawn
paper withdrawn
paper withdrawn by authors
paper withdrawn by authors; see abstract
paper withdrawn by the author
paper withdrawn for further elaboration; superseded by Commun. Math.
Phys. 205 (1999) 657-689; hep-th/9810105
paper withdrawn, reader can refer to cond-mat/9702111 for a stronger
result with a much understandable derivation along with various bug
revised version, earlier version withdrawn from Phys.Rev.Lett
temporarily withdrawn, email: d...@boseinst.ernet.in
the paper has been withdrawn
the paper has been withdrawn
the paper is withdrawn
the paper is withdrawn for further elaboration
the paper is withdrawn for further elaboration
thirteen pages, four tables, two figures, this paper supersedes
math-ph/0012031, "Numerical analyses of a quantum-theoretic
eight-dimensional Yang-Mills fields," which will be withdrawn. For part
I of this paper (to appear in J. Geom. Phys.), see quant-ph/0008069
this article has been withdrawn
this is an expanded and completely revised version of our withdrawn
manuscript cond-mat/9712303
this paper has been withdrawn
this paper has been withdrawn by the authors, because new results have
been discovered and this paper has to be rewritten
this paper is withdrawn by the authors
this paper is withdrawn by the authors
this paper supersedes hep-th/0206140, "A Note on the Bach Tensor in
AdS/CFT",which will be withdrawn
using mn.sty, matches published version, results for the Inverted
Chi-square distribution withdrawn
v4: This paper has been withdrawn
with 37 EPSF figures and areviews style file included paper has been
withdrawn for later publication
withdrawn - wrong selection rules used
withdrawn by author due to unclear motivation
withdrawn by author due to unclear motivation in base paper
withdrawn by author due to unclear motivation in base paper
withdrawn by authors
withdrawn by the author
withdrawn by the author. Some material included in hep-th/0106254
withdrawn by the authors
withdrawn due to an error in last subsection; corrected version soon
withdrawn due to the reasons explained in the text (accepted previously
by Ap&SS, but it will not be published due to the withdrawal of the
withdrawn due to unclear definition on noncommutative momentum used
withdrawn due to unclear motivation
withdrawn due to unclear motivation in base paper
withdrawn due to unclear motivation in base paper
withdrawn due to unclear motivation on base paper
withdrawn for further elaboration
withdrawn for major revisions
withdrawn in favor of new version hep-th/9808087
withdrawn; Pl. refer to the combined paper chao-dyn/9904020
withdrawn; result isn't new
withdrawn; superceded by improved investigation: cond-mat/9901203
withdrawn; superceded by improved investigation:cond-mat/0004320
Les Carr

Reply via email to