>>    "2.1 Cost: Journals that use a funding model that charges users
>>    or their institutions are not included."
>>    http://www.doaj.org/articles/about/#criteria
>sh> is misleading and will (1) make journals that still charge
>sh> subscriptions think they are not open-access (gold) journals
>sh> even though they make all their full-text contents immediately
>sh> and permanently accessible toll-free online to everyone on the
>sh> web; moreover, this will also (2) discourage journals that are
>sh> contemplating doing so from doing so, because they think we would
>sh> not count them as an open-access journals!

Yes, agreed. We were not even thinking about the print version in that
way. All OA journals we know of who run a parallel print version charge
for that. How about this addition to our criteria?

    2.1 Cost: Journals that use a funding model that charges users or
    their institutions for the online version are not included. If there
    is an additional print version it may or may not be charged for.

It's ok if you reuse our message on the list.

all the best,
/Sara and Jörgen

Sara Kjellberg                                  Telephone: + 46 46 222 93 68
Lund University Libraries, Head Office  Telefax + 46 46 222 36 82
P.O.Box 134, SE-221 00 LUND, Sweden             Email: sara.kjellb...@lub.lu.se

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