On Tue, 14 Dec 2004, Stevan Harnad wrote [as part of long message]:

Jim Till asks this question, but about Green:

Jim Till wrote: Two questions: 1) Which are the top three
journals in which to publish articles about OA? 2) Of
these, which ones are of a hue of green such that they
permit self-archiving of the final peer-reviewed,
accepted and edited version of the article? Jim Till
University of Toronto

He needs to check whether there is a suitable Green
journal among the 92% in the Romeo Directory of journal
self-archiving policies: http://romeo.eprints.org/

Please note that my first question was: 1) Which are the top
three journals in which to publish articles *about* OA?

For example, the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance
(CBCRA, a major funder in Canada of research on breast
cancer) has just begun to consider the feasibility and
desirability of setting up a CBCRA OA archive, with an
initial focus on the self-archiving of peer-reviewed
research reports published by its own grantees.

If I chose to prepare an article based on experience with
this particular planning process (which might be of interest
to other funding agencies and foundations), what would be
your advice about the best (green) journals in which to
publish such an article?

Jim Till
University of Toronto

   [Moderator's Note: Good question. Publishing in library or
   publishing journals like Learned Publishing (??) or Serials Review
   (Green) is either preaching to the converted or reaching the wrong
   constituency -- since it is only authors who can self-archive
   and only their universities and research funders who can adopt
   self-archiving policies. So it really is an important question how
   to reach this constituency, across all disciplines of science and
   scholarship. Nature (Green) and Science (Gray) are possibilities
   (their non-refereed sections) if your news is important enough.
   The right venue may not be a peer-reviewed journal at all, but a
   wide-spectrum magazine such as Chronicle or Higher Education of
   Times Higher Education Supplement.  -- SH]

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