Gold journals use various business models and are in no way limited to
the author-institution charge mentioned below. A good counter-example is
Scielo ( where the journals are simply and
directly subsidized by governmental money on a macro scale, and not on a
per-article basis.

Jean-Claude Guédon

Le lundi 11 avril 2005 à 13:06 +0100, Stevan Harnad a écrit :
>     Below is a comment on an article in Wired entitled
>     "Open-Access Journals Flourish" (by Randy Dotinga) 
>    which (as usual) described only the "gold rush" and completely
>    overlooked the quiet growth of green:
> There are two roads to Open Access (i.e., free online access to
> peer-reviewed journal articles), one of them being the "golden" road
> of publishing the articles in "gold" journals that give away their
> own contents for free online by charging the author-institution for
> publication instead of charging the user-institution for access. Your
> article rightly points out that about 5% of journals (about 1500 out
> of a total of about 24,000) are already gold today. What it did not
> mention was that about 92% of journals are already "green", that is,
> they give their own authors the green light to make their own articles
> Open Access (OA) by self-archiving them in their own institution's Open
> Access Archives. Of the 2.5 million articles published annually today, 5%
> are OA via gold and 15% are OA via green.  The exact comparative growth
> rate of Gold vs. Green OA is not yet known, but it is far easier and
> cheaper for an institution to create an OA archive for its own research
> than it is to create a new gold journal (or to convert an established
> journal or publisher to gold), especially with more and more research
> institutions, universities, research funders and governments recommending,
> requesting and even requiring that the peer-reviewed research articles
> they produce and fund should be made accessible to all their would-be
> users online and not just to those whose institutions that can afford
> to subscribe to the journals in which they were published.
> Here are a few URLs that fill in the relative gold and green portions of the
> picture that your Wired Story wrongly portrayed as a unilateral "Gold Rush":
> Directory of OA ("Gold") Journals (1525/24,000): 
> Directory of Green Journal Policies (7753/8427):
> Number and Growth Rate of Institutional OA Archives:
> Policy Recommendation of UK Select Committee:
> Policy Recommendation of Berlin Declaration:
> Registry of Institutional Self-Archiving Policies:
> OA Self-Archiving FAQ: 
> Bibliography on how maximizing research access maximizes research impact:
> American Scientist Open Access Forum: 
> Stevan Harnad
> Moderator, American Scientist Open Access Forum
> Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Sciences, Université du Québec à Montréal
> Professor of Cognitive Sciences, University of Southampton, UK 

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