On 30 Jun 2005, at 22:43, Tim Gray, Libray Assistant, Homerton College, Cambridge wrote:

Incidentally, what percentage of all UK peer-reviewed research is funded by RCUK? Would this percentage then be the percentage of *all* peer- reviwed UK research available via OA funded post 1st October 2005 (the proposed start date)? Is there a large number of other funders of peer-reviewed research -
but not necessarily mandating an OA policy?

I calculated this roughly (about 6 months ago) for a journalist.

RCUK provided about 2.1 billion UK pounds (in 2003/4).
Then there's research infrastructure funding across the UK which adds up to £1.4bn in 2004-5.
Independent (chariites) then add perhaps another £0.7bn.

In other words, the RCUK money is exactly half!

What follows is the justification for my figures. You will notice that ther is a big hole in terms of EU and DTI funding, but I finesse that by claiming that the money is for "near to market" purposes and not "real research".

(a) From "Funding higher education in England: How HEFCE allocates its funds", http://www.hefce.ac.uk/Pubs/hefce/2004/04_23/04_23.pdf Public research funds are provided under a dual support system. HEFCE provides funding to support the research infrastructure. Our funds go towards the cost of the salaries of permanent academic staff, premises, libraries and central computing costs. The Research Councils provide for direct project costs and contribute to indirect project costs. Our funding for research in 2004-05 is £1,081 million

The funding mechanisms and processes are similar in Scotland, Wales. Only the figures differ (below). (b) From SHEFC Media release PRHE/02/04 (17 March 2004), http:// www.shefc.ac.uk/library/06854fc203db2fbd000000fb39b63691/prhe0204.html Scottish higher education institutions (HEIs) will receive more than £800 million SHEFC funding [ this is mixed teaching and research headings of which about 230million seems to be equivalent to the English headings ]

(c) From HEFCW Circular W04/18HE - Recurrent Grant 2004-05, http:// www.elwa.org.uk/elwaweb/doc_bin/he%20circulars/w0418he%20recurrent% 20grant%202004_05.pdf In Table 4, total research allocations appear to be about £61 million pounds.

I cannot find any figures for Northern Ireland - lets assume the same as Wales.

Other (Govt) funding resources?
There's DTI, MOD and EU which provide significant sums of money, but they are more along the D spectrum of R&D. Of course we take their money and try to turn it into a research activity (often without their knowledge) but this still could reasonably be missed off a true "blue sky, journal publishing" scenario. Basically I'm stalling cos I don't have a clue how to find out these numbers, much less to divide them between Universities and Business :-)

Other charitable research funding organisations:
Each organisation is listed with its latest declared annual funding figures.
Leverhulme: £20million
Nuffield: about £9 million
Rowntree: about £5 million
Wellcome Trust (Biomedical/medicine): £400million
(however, the Wellcome Trust is one of 111 charities that form the AMRC who had a combined spend of £660M on a wide range of medical and health research activities in the UK in 2002/03.) Royal Society, British Council etc provide fellowships and bursaries but no direct research project grants.

Les Carr

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