On 2 Dec 2008, at 15:47, Michael Eisen wrote:

      OF COURSE Elsevier can have objections to

      libraries assisting individuals in self-archiving their
      work, because
      Elsevier does not want self archiving to succeed!

No-one wants to split unnecessary hairs, but there does seem to be a
genuine distinction to be drawn between author-self-archiving and
institutional-systematic-downloading. These at least were the terms
to which Karen Hunter referred:
      As our longstanding policy permits authors to voluntarily
      post their own author manuscripts to their personal
      website or institutional repository, we responded that we
      would not object to an author downloading this
      version. However, our broader policy prohibits systematic
      downloading or posting. Therefore, it is not permitted
      for IR managers or any other third party to download
      articles ... and post them.

Discussion on the other side of the fence (the library side), seems
to indicate that there is little enthusiasm anyway for this kind of
"assistance" (in Michael's terms) or "systematic downloading"
(Elsevier's). I think that the library position is that they have no
resources available to do this work for the author, even if it were
acceptable to the publisher.
Les Carr

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