Thank you, Graham - all correct, and more clear and concise than I would have 

With kind wishes,

Dr Alicia Wise
Director of Access and Policy
Elsevier I The Boulevard I Langford Lane I Kidlington I Oxford I OX5 1GB
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From: [] On Behalf Of 
Graham Triggs
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1:31 AM
To: Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci)
Subject: [GOAL] Re: Elsevier is taking down papers from

On 9 December 2013 00:20, Heather Morrison 
<<>> wrote:

According to your statement below, with CC-BY the only restriction placed by 
Elsevier is for attribution. However, the Elsevier open access license policy 
clearly states that Elsevier demands an exclusive license to publish with open 
access works (including CC-BY). Can you explain this discrepancy?

I don't believe this is a discrepancy. What it is saying that the definitive 
record is published by Elsevier, and the author provides an exclusive licence 
in order to do so.

Re-publishing, or re-distributing via any other venue constitutes a derivative 
work, which is permissible and does not conflict with the exclusive licence 
(which is only on the definitive record, not the derivative) - providing the 
proper attribution is in place.

Without the exclusive licence to the definitive record, then as the author 
retains copyright, then in theory the author could authorize publishing of a 
version of the definitive record without attribution to the Elsevier version.

It's a question of preserving the version of record. The difference between the 
author providing a licence to Elsevier to distribute an article under CC-BY, 
and the author providing a CC-BY licence to Elsevier.

Comment: Based on this wording it is clear that Elsevier is requiring an 
exclusive publishing license. This is not compatible with your explanation 
below that nothing is required beyond attribution as required by the CC-BY 

It is consistent - the article can be re-published elsewhere, providing it is 
accordance with the CC-BY licence, including attribution to the definitive 
record as published by Elsevier.



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