All this detail is contained in the report (Scholarly Publishing Practice 3,
ALPSP, 2008 -  It's
free to ALPSP members, but others have to pay to access it.
Sally Morris
South House, The Street, Clapham, Worthing, West Sussex, UK  BN13 3UU
Tel:  +44 (0)1903 871286


From: [] On Behalf
Of Graham Triggs
Sent: 05 February 2014 15:11
To: Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci)
Subject: [GOAL] Re: Charles Oppenheim on who owns the rights to

An exclusive license, that prevents an author from exercising their
copyright rights, may be "as good" as a copyright transfer as far as a
publisher is concerned.

In terms of the statistics you quote, do you know if that covers all types
of publishers (for-profit, not-for-profit, societies, etc.), and if so, how
does the breakdown correlate with the type of publisher? And how are
publishers that publish a variety of closed, open and hybrid journals
accounted for?


On 5 February 2014 13:17, Sally Morris <>

I find Andrew's experience surprising.  When Cox & Cox last looked into this
(in 2008), 53% of publishers requested a copyright transfer, 20.8% asked for
a licence to publish instead, and 6.6% did not require any written
agreement.  A further 19.6%, though initially asking for transfer of
copyright, would on request provide a licence document instead.  There had
been a steady move away from transfer of copyright since 2003.


Sally Morris
South House, The Street, Clapham, Worthing, West Sussex, UK  BN13 3UU
Tel:  +44 (0)1903 871286 <tel:%2B44%20%280%291903%20871286> 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Andrew A. Adams
Sent: 05 February 2014 00:04
To: Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci)
Subject: [GOAL] Re: Charles Oppenheim on who owns the rights to scholarly

 Chris Zielinski <> wrote:
> But even more prudent authors simply shouldn't sign the copyright
> assignment form - publishers don't need anything more than a licence
> to publish.

Good luck with that if you're anything other than a tenured professor with a
track record that means where your recent papers are published won't effect
funding decisions (individually or for your univesity). I tried to apply
this rule myself a few years ago and after a couple of occasions of getting
nowhere with the publishers decided that doing this individually was just
harming my career and not having any impact on the journals.

Now, I just "archive and be damned"posting the author's final text (not the
publisher PDF) in open depot ignoring any embargoes. If any publisher
bothered to issue a take-down I'd reset to closed access (and always respond
to button requests). None have so far.

Professor Andrew A Adams            
Professor at Graduate School of Business Administration,  and Deputy
Director of the Centre for Business Information Ethics
Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan

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