Thanks for sharing your well - thought position, Heather.

My background is science, where the arguments for CC-BY are clear (legal
uncertainty inhibits reuse), but I don't profess to know the dynamics of
communication studies. In your example of a film still, why would it be ok
to use in the first paper, but not downstream? Is the argument that TV &
film producers will seek to prevent even scholarly use of their works if
authors retain copyright vs. publishers?
On Apr 25, 2015 3:11 PM, "Heather Morrison" <>

> The types of works that many students and faculty would like to be able to
> include in scholarly works are not necessarily from other scholarly works.
> For example, scholars in my doctoral discipline of communication study a
> wide range of types of works including newspapers, television, films,
> cartoons, advertising, blogs and social media, and public relations
> materials. It is very useful for scholars to be able to include images and
> text from the primary source materials, either as illustration or for
> purposes of critique. Obtaining permission to use even small excerpts of
> such works is time-consuming at best. I argue that it would be in the best
> interests of scholarship to advocate for strong fair use / fair dealing
> exceptions for research and academic critique globally and accept that more
> restrictive licenses may be necessary to avoid the potential for re-use
> errors that could easily occur with blanket licenses allowing broad re-use.
> For example, while it makes sense to allow scholars to include small movie
> stills in an academic piece, it could be quite problematic for scholars to
> include such items in works that grant blanket commercial and re-use rights
> downstream.
> This illustrates what I see as one of the problems with the one size fits
> all CC-BY license preferred by some open access advocates (which I consider
> to be a serious error): what I interpret as an implicit assumption that all
> of the works scholars are likely to want to re-use are other scholarly
> works. Rather than making assumptions, let's do some research to find out
> what scholars and students would like to be able to re-use. Anecdotally, in
> my experience the most popular items for re-use are images from popular
> culture (especially characters from the Simpsons TV series), not scholarly
> works. Scholarly journals like to use photos to add interest and aesthetic
> value. If it is the case that the greatest interest in re-use for scholars
> involves works from popular culture / outside the academy, then ubiquitous
> CC-BY licenses for absolutely every scholarly article, book, and dataset in
> the whole world would not solve the primary re-use question for a majority
> of scholars.
> This is not meant to suggest that advocacy for global fair use / fair
> dealing rights for academic research and critique is an easy task, rather
> to raise the question of whether this is an appropriate and useful goal for
> scholarly works.
> This post is part of the Creative Commons and Open Access Critique series
> on my scholarly blog, The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics. To comment
> on the blogpost:
> Creative Commons and Open Access Critique series:
> best,
> --
> Dr. Heather Morrison
> Assistant Professor
> École des sciences de l'information / School of Information Studies
> University of Ottawa
> Sustaining the Knowledge Commons
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