Cross-Industry Coalition Forges to Collaborate on Solutions to Protect
Against Predatory Publishing and Irresponsible Author Support Practices


May 16, 2016 (EDITAGE; Philadelphia, PA, USA) - The Coalition for
Responsible Publication Resources (CRPR;
<> ; @RPRcoalition
<> ) is one step closer to its mission to
help preserve the integrity of the scholarly literature by sharing industry
knowledge of irresponsible and in some cases predatory practices associated
with academic publishing. The Coalition is also committed to ensuring
transparency, discoverability, and accountability of responsible publishing
services to industry norms, guidelines, and best practices, so that academic
authors can make informed decisions when seeking publication services and
when publishing their scholarly works. The Coalition intends to facilitate
communication and collaboration among university, academic society,
publisher, scholarly journal, publication services, pharmaceutical, funder,
and government stakeholders, worldwide.


Donald Samulack, PhD, President of the US Operations of Editage
(, a division of Cactus Communications
(, and who has spearheaded the call-to-action for the
development of the Coalition, announced today at the Council of Science
Editors (CSE; meeting in Denver, CO, USA
that five companies have contributed development funds to Editage to begin
the formal development of the administrative infrastructure, as well as the
Web and software technologies of the Coalition. In alphabetical order,
Atlantis Press, Cabell's International, Canadian Science Publishing,
Editage/Cactus Communications, and Wolters Kluwer have all contributed
substantively and financially toward building the foundation of the
Coalition infrastructure. As Provisional Founding Members, these companies
will be ratified as Founding Members upon incorporation of the Coalition as
an independent and self-regulating not-for-profit US entity later in 2016


Dr. Samulack expressed his gratitude for the industry support by stating,
"The need for the Coalition was clear to us at Editage, as we've watched the
continued erosion of trust in the scholarly literature over the past several
years, as a result of highly-publicized retractions of published papers
generated through the predatory, irresponsible, or fraudulent activities of
individuals and corrupt business practices." He added, "As an industry we've
discussed the serious need to collectively and collaboratively address these
issues, and yet we've been stumped on how to effectively pre-empt the
corrupt practices that have preyed on the fundamental trust that is the
cornerstone of the publication process. As a Coalition, we can build the
infrastructure to identify corrupt publishing practices early in the
publication cycle, and instruct authors on how to identify publication
resources that are acting responsibly and ethically on their behalf, and on
behalf of the longevity and integrity of the scholarly literature.''


At present, irresponsible, and in some cases predatory practices can be
identified in almost every facet along the axis of the publication process,
from the initial development of an academic manuscript, attribution of
authorship, solicitation of submission with promises of publication, and
processes of peer review, through to the fraudulent representation of
editorial boards at certain journals, as well as look-alike and hijacked
journals, journal metrics, and author services. 


Zeger Karssen, Director at Atlantis Press (
<> ) says, "With scientific publishing
increasingly becoming an industry with a global reach and subject to an
ever-expanding community of publishers and author services, a clear path for
professional and responsible conduct by all parties involved is needed, in
order to maintain trust in what is published."


>From Cabell's International ( <> ),
Lacey Earle, Vice President of Business Development adds, "We are excited
about the opportunity to support the initiatives of the Coalition. Through
this collaboration, we hope to achieve our mutual goals of serving the
academic community and protecting the integrity of global scholarly


Suzanne Kettley, Executive Director at Canadian Science Publishing (CSP; <> ) comments that
"Predatory organizations have been functioning actively for a few years now,
but they've recently become much more sophisticated in their methods of
deception and are becoming increasingly more difficult to identify, even for
those of us who work in the industry. Industry-wide efforts like the
Coalition are a necessary step in ensuring that researchers have a
communication system they can trust, which is why CSP is happy to be
providing support for this necessary initiative."


Also, Jayne Marks, Vice President, Global Publishing, Health Learning,
Research & Practice at Wolters Kluwer ( says, "The
rise in predatory activity in scholarly publishing has made it increasingly
difficult for authors globally to identify and trust resources with their
works.  We're pleased to see the development of this Coalition and fully
support its mission to maintain the integrity of scholarly works."


Together, the Coalition will develop and encourage the development of
resources, strategies, and tools to not only help authors identify
responsible publication resources and practices, but as an industry resource
itself, it will hold Coalition members accountable - as a fundamental
principle of membership in the Coalition - to uphold and maintain industry
norms, guidelines, and best practices, as they provide services to the
scholarly community.




Coalition Contact

Donald Samulack, PhD, President, US Operations at Editage/Cactus


T: (267) 332-0051  ext.104


Coalition e-mail:

Editage Public Relations e-mail:


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