Our nonprofit Impactstory just released Unpaywall, an open-source
Chrome/Firefox extension that links you to OA as you browse research
articles. Hit a paywall? No problem: click the green tab, read it free.

Here's why it's game changing: it's not just great for OA Nerds like all of
us, it's great for EVERYONE.  People just trying to get their work done,
but stuck behind paywalls.  It's easy, pretty, and brings the power of
legal #OA straight to make lives better.

We’ve had thousands of installations in our first few days, and we’re we’re
aiming for ten thousand by the end of the month. We want everyone in the
world to have a “read it free” button next to the “pay us money” button on
research articles, powered by open access in repositories worldwide.

We’d love your help spreading the word. Install it, <http://unpaywall.org/>
tweet it, email it, tell your friends. And let us know what you
think...we’re still improving Unpaywall daily.

Thanks, and let’s keep fighting for open access together!

Jason and Heather


ps we couldn’t help it, it’s still great for OA Nerds like us: we put an an
Expert Setting in there that shows you which papers are gold or green OA :)

pps apologies for cross-posting

Heather Piwowar
cofounder of Impactstory <http://impactstory.org/>: share the full story of
your research impact.
@researchremix <http://twitter.com/#!/researchremix> and @Impactstory
GOAL mailing list

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