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Goa Church Laments Abuse Of Media Freedom After Priest Is Charged With
Child Abuse


PANAJI, Goa (SAR News)- The Catholic Church in Goa has lamented at the
exploitation of press freedom, after the print and electronic media went to
town over an alleged molestation by a Catholic priest in the confessional
box on Christmas night.

        Father Olavo Velho Pereira, spokesperson of the Archdiocese of Goa
        told SAR News August 25 that the media has blown the issue out of
        proportion, and "crucified" the priest in question without a "fair
        trial". On August 19, police registered a case of molestation
        against Father Newton Rodrigues, parish priest of the Our Lady of
        Help Church, Ribandar, Old Goa near here, after he was accused of
        molesting a 13-year-old girl, moments before midnight Mass last
        Christmas Eve .

However, police have refrained from arresting the priest fearing a backlash.
Father Pereira said, the media as well as the church critics want prompt
action on such issues, which are delicate and cannot be decided impromptu.

The victim, whose father is employed overseas, was scheduled to play the
role of Mother Mary and went a few minutes early for the midnight Mass. At
this point, Father Rodrigues reportedly asked the teenager whether she had
confessed. Though her response was in the affirmative, the priest reportedly
pressed for a confession afresh.

According to the girls uncle, Anthony Froys, the priest took her to
the confessional, where he allegedly molested her.

The complaint however was first filed last week, by a Catholic
activist-lawyer Aires Rodrigues, once a staunch disciple of Rajneesh.

Aires has in recent years been projecting himself in new light after he took
several public-oriented causes and last year filed a public interest
litigation in the High Court challenging the appointment of an RSS incumbent
to the post of Director of Information. Later, however, he succumbed to RSS
pressure and withdrew the petition.

In 2000, police records indicate that  the lawyer was 35th in the list of
goondas, history sheeters and bad characters.

"Benefit of doubt ought to be given to the priest because of
improbabilities. How would it be possible for the priest to molest moments
before the midnight Mass. The complaint says that she was molested at 11.15
p.m. At that time, the priest was at the altar" said an agitated parishioner
Michael Fernandes. "It means he molested her in full view of the
congregation" he added.

        He said, "the complaint was lodged eight months after the episode
        and that too by a third party. Obviously, the complaint is
        orchestrated to get even with the priest, who has been turning down
        Aires suggestions for the parish".

The allegations against the priest appears to be made with vested interests,
says M K Jos, an acerbic campaigner, who said the very background of the
lawyer has vertically divided the parish, with a few supporting the priest,
and others not certain where matters stand.

On August 21, some 350 parishioners went to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
chief minister Manohar Parrikar's residence and demanded action be initiated
against Rodrigues and his associates for creating discord in the village.
The memo which targeted the advocate, accusing him of outraging the modesty
of nuns of a nearby convent with abusive language and threats of rape, if
the principal of the convent-run school was not transferred, according to
his demand.

The following day, a meeting addressed by Aires evoked a response of about
75 parishioners. Referring to the abuse of Press freedom, Father Pereira
pointed out that one daily carried a full page report on the "Ribandar
Molestation Controversy" and went further on another page to publish a
letter over the issue and the editor's response to the letter. The newspaper
also carried an editorial, with the national media tom-toming the claims of
Aires without any restrictions.

"It was as if it was fait accompli. In the eyes of the media, the priest was
guilty. It is unfortunate that the media refused to discern claims, damn
lies and potential reality" Father Pereira said. He lamented that the media
went all out to make a fast buck at the cost of the sensitivity of the
priest, without even waiting for the verdict from the Church authorities
despite informing in a press note that the church was studying the issue.

He also regretted the attitude of "some individuals", calling a press
conference and speaking to local TV news channels. "Natural justice would
require that a proper inquiry be made into such accusations by the
legitimate authorities, at their own pace. Instead, a total lack of
seriousness and responsibility has been displayed by the signatory of the
letter, who, according to reliable sources, distributed copies of his letter
to all the residents of Ribandar and to all and sundry at the Panjim Bus

Father Pereira said that in a prelude to the allegations, a vicious campaign
was launched against the Sisters of Ajuda Convent, located near the parish,
giving them intimidating threats and making frequent and obnoxious
telephone-calls during the night.

Such behaviour reveals not only disrespect for consecrated life but lack of
basic sensitivity to the dignity of women, which the letter writer is
professing to defend. "His campaign has now moved to the parish priest, who
had stood by the sisters in the hour of their affliction" said Father
Pereira. Father Rodrigues rushed to the aid of the nuns following noctural
telephonic calls of threat to rape the nuns, following Aires' demand to
transfer the school principal for sacking a school bus driver, who
reportedly approached Aires for legal remedy.


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