The latest issue of Goa Today (April 2002) has Wendell Rodrigues (Style
Speak) come out very strongly in support of Parrikar. 

==== quote====

"Like clubwear, the present state of public conception about our politcians
is shocking. Everyone is making such a huge hue and cry and going on an
anti-Parrikar drive. It is appalling how people cannot use judgement to
seperate men from political parties. Or memory from amnesia 

What is wrong with our judgement? Here is a man who has been the best Chief
Minister in years. And people want the old corruption ridden politicans
back? Isn't this crazy? Or is it simly amnesia?

Remember the sports scams? The corruption? The bribes? The goons with
political muscle.? The sexual harassment cases? The political party jumping
and strange bedfellows clubbing together? The destruction of Goa........
all under ministers other than Parrikar? Wake up Goa!

I wish I had time for politics. I would stand behind this good man and
gather every vote I could for him.

But sadly I do not have the time. I am still watching teenagers,
politicians and the Goan public clubbing it out in amnesia heaven. Ah!
Fashion is indeed a barometer of our times in every way. May wisdom
prevail..... over amnesia!"

===== end of quote ======

Do not dismiss Wendell off as just a fashion guru who knows nothing about
politics. Wendell is a writer and a thinker too, with many achievements,
other than fashion, to his credit.

Any comments on Wendell's arguments?

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