In a message dated 04/17/2002 11:42:48 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Instead of fighting over existing content, would it be impossible to find 
new sources of generating content that adequately reflects the diversity of 
Goan life? 
 (My personal view is that ............... But, everything cannot and should 
not be 
 evaluated in terms of profitability. if it is not done by someone, how do we 
 to get the job done? A society that cannot generate ideas needed to take it 
 forward, is a society enslaved...) >>

Dear GoaNetters:

After all that has been said and done, I like the way Fred has chosen to 
fling down the gauntlet and hope we can all resolve to look forward in a 
positive way.

The first responsibility naturally falls upon the Goanet Admin. Team to 
establish the broad parameters for operation. IMHO, it has ages since the 
last Policy Guidelines were issued. A dynamic list like Goanet, needs at 
least quarterly pronouncements. Also, netters should know the composition of 
the A-Team and recourses available :(

To get the subject ball rolling, I am initiating the subject discussions. 
Only now is allopathy coming to grips with what was common knowledge to our 
parents and forebears in the field of medicine :-) Leeches used to 
controlling blood pressure in Goa, I've read are now used in modern surgeries.

Our parents brought home various roots and herbs from Goa and mainly used 
home remedies which really worked. A Goan from New Delhi told me that their 
family was privy to a wealth of such information, which is being passed down 
through heredity.

While obviously there are some treasured cooking trade secrets, etc., would 
it not be great if we share our talents for the greater good of the Goan 
community? A recent example of a science problem solved by a kindly soul with 
a caveat "hope this was not a homework assignment," gave me a chuckle. After 
all, isn't it in giving that we truly receive?

This is just one avenue in which we can challenge ourselves towards helping 
one another, instead of you know what?

Are there any takers? 

Viva Goanet -- we can make it whatever we choose to:

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

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