In a message dated 04/21/2002 6:39:43 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Pat and Sunila aroused my interest regarding ancestral home 
remedies.......Do keep those home remedies trickling in. >>

Thanks for those interesting responses :-)

I remember the dousing of onion juice on the head for colds or fever, and 
coppa (or cupping) for stomach pain. The latter is used in modern medicine 
for drawing blood toward or through the surface.

Although they may not be considered as home remedies, certain practices also 
come to my mind. 

There was this young son of a medical practitioner in Goa, who got surprise 
visits from patients at their home when the father was out. They would bribe 
him with candies, etc., just to stomp on their backs for his curative powers. 
His was a breech presentation, and they didn't want the father to know 
because he disapproved of it. 

In Karachi, several friends and relatives visited our home for the very same 
reason. I was asked to stroke their backs, etc., with my foot (which I did 
whilst reciting a prayer) and they'd leave feeling instant relief from their 
aches or pains :-) 

I am curious if anyone has similar or other experiences and if there is any 
ascribable reason for their relief. Santosh usually offers valuable insight 
on such matters :-)

Best Wishes:

Pat de Sousa

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