Hey, Tim to deal with politicians in Goa, one is forced to be crooked ! 
Which is one of the reasons why such few good people feature in politics. 
Besides I think it's just a figure of speech the CM used to say that he can 
get tough if needed.

All said and done Manohar Parrikar as CM is the best thing that has happened 
to Goa in a long long time. This election is a good way of judging the 
smartness of Goans in Goa. If they do elect the first non-corrupt, 
hardworking, smart and sincere CM in a long long time (probably first one 
ever) to power again, Goa will be on the way to further progress.... if the 
last one year is anything to go by.

Otherwise, we can commence all our moans and groans again over poor 
governance resulting in a shabby state of affairs in Goa......after all do 
you see an alternative on the horizon ? Here's hoping the people elect 
smartly this time at least instead of the usual way over casteist and 
communal lines.


>From: "Tim de Mello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Goanet] Parrikar: Engineering another Goa...
>Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 03:39:20 +0000
>- - - - - - - - - -
>Quote: "I deal  with a good person in an absolute gentlemanly way. But if 
>opponent is a crooked person, I don't hesitate going crooked.... "
>Is this the type of leadership quality that Goans embrace or eschew?
>Personally, I find it disappointing to know that our CM can stoop so low.
>Tim de Mello
>Ontario, CANADA

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