goanet-digest        Thursday, April 25 2002        Volume 01 : Number 3882

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Should BJP be made to pay for the Gujarat violence?
    Re: [Goanet] Re: TIMES: Balcony View
    [Goanet] Dear Prime Ministerji

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 16:32:19 +0550
From: "Goa Unravelled - Goenkaracho Awaaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Should BJP be made to pay for the Gujarat violence?

GOA UNRAVELLED - Goenkaracho Awaaz (Vol. I, Issue: 6) is on the stands with
the cover story - 'BJP's drama, PM's role'. Goa Unravelled is a fortnightly

publication brought out by SAVE GOA SOCIETY, an NGO from Panaji. This
publication aims at bringing out those stories which the regular press fears
to cover because of political pressure. Goa Unravelled has an objective of portraying
actual facts to the people of Goa. Many a times, the correct or true story is
not reported in regular papers, but Goa Unravelled goes into the depths of them
to feature many hidden facts. Available at bookstalls all across Goa for the
price of Rs.5/-, this fortnightly tabloid with 24 pages (Colour) is Goa's Largest
fortnightly newspaper.

Some of the features which have appeared in the April 15-30, 2002 issue are

as follows:

COVER STORY: BJP'S DRAMA, PM'S ROLE: ...The 16-month-old BJP rule in Goa which,
ended in a justified fiesta was forgotten after directing a dissulution drama
in Gujarat, the party sought to consolidate their position on the soil of Goa...

PEOPLE'S COURT: Should BJP be made to pay for the Gujarat voilence? Log on to
http://www.goaunravelled.com for participating in the People's Court. (Page

CLASSIC CATCH: Catch some Policemen breaking traffic rule - A Classic Photo

(Page 3)

EDITORIAL: Alphabets of Politics by the Editior and Tamasha for PM's visit -
an article by our reader (Page 4)

OPEN LETTER: Open letters to (a) Sonia Gandhi & Nirmala Sawant on the political
situation in Goa (b) To Goans - Don't get lured with MLM schemes or scams (b)
To the Chief Minister regarding Non-Supply of drinking tap water by the P.W.D.
at Oxel Siolim (Page 5)

TRADITIONS UNRAVELLED: Goa Comunidades - A synopsis in brief of their legal

position. (Page 7)

PANCHAYAT SPECIAL: Know your Sarpanch - Interviews with Sarpanchas of some
villages from Salcette Taluka to reveal their ambitions. (Page 8 & 9)

TOURISM UPDATE: Interviews with some Tourists to know what they feel about Goa.
(Page 10)

LEGISLATORS VOICE: An Interview with Aleixo Sequeira - Ex-MLA of Loutolim
Constituency (Page 12)
What the PM did to Goa? - A Photo Feature on Page 12

VILLAGE SCENE: A Tour into the Other side of Goa - ZUARINAGAR SLUMS (Page 13)

Crossroads of Goa - A Cross Connection (A Photo Session) on Page 13

Other features include: Free Classifieds, State Wide, Health, IT & Computers,
Entertainment, Child Care, Kitchen, Lifestyle, Literature, Enterpreneurship,
Youth, Finance, Music and Sports.

Get your copy today from your nearest Bookstall/Newspaper Agent. If your
Bookstall doesn't have Goa Unravelled, then immediately contact: 229456 and
inform us about the Bookstall.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Website: http://www.goaunravelled.com

Please keep your comments, suggestions, views & opinions flowing in...

Goa Unravelled Publication Team


Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 17:36:21 +0530
From: Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The IT Family Computer User's Club , Goa-India, is organising  a two day IT 
Exhibition  at the St. Andrew's Institute Hall Vasco on 27th & 28th inst. 
An appeal from the Chairman of the Club Shri S. Fernandes is appended below 
for the benefit of Goanetters.

Your participation is solicited to make this event a grand success.

Daniel F. de Souza.

Dear Sir/Madam,
Holiday Season's greetings to you from all the members of the IT Family - 
Computer User's Club, Goa-India.
The IT Family - Computer User's Club, A non-profit organisation, establised 
in March 2001 by Shri Rene Barretto (a Goan, based in UK and a native of 
Vasco da Gama, Goa) has since it's inception conducted a host of IT related 
activities aimed at furthering IT awareness among the citizens of Vasco and 
other parts of Goa and also act as a forum for interaction for IT users 
both commercial as well as Home users.
The following has been our objectives:
1) To provide a forum for the community of computer users for their mutual 
benefit, increased understanding and better utilization of PCs. 2) To 
provide an opportunity for all users of personal computers to exchange 
ideas, knowledge and experiences for the enrichment of all concerned. 3) To 
provide an opportunity for both formal and informal education in computer 
applications, hardware and software technologies and bring about awareness 
on careers and employment opportunities in IT. 4) To provide a medium of 
communication with user groups in other areas. 5) To provide an opportunity 
for forming special interest groups and 6) to conduct IT related 
competitions, seminars and workshops to increase aware of IT in our day to 
day life

Conforming to our objectives, we are now organising a 2 Day IT exhibition 
in Vasco da Gama on 27th & 28th April 2002 at St. Andrew's Institute Hall 
Complex,Vasco and solicit your support for the event by way of setting up 
stalls, conducting workshops and seminars, counselling in computer careers, 
arranging film shows and product demos and sponsorships.
The members of the IT Family have been very successful in bringing together 
people of different age groups under this banner and are hopeful of 
receiving support from the IT related business community in every possible 
way to make the event a grand success.
Please feel free to communicate with us your interest in participating in 
the event in the attached form in MS-Word document. Annual report of the 
club is also placed in the same document for your information.
Looking forward to your support and wishes, we remain,
pl confirm receipt of the mail/attachment.
thanking you,

yours very truly,
s. ferns :-)


Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 17:57:54 +0100
From: "Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re: TIMES: Balcony View

- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Viviana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sunila Muzawar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re: TIMES: Balcony View

> Sunila et al - doesn't "malcurado" mean poorly cured??  "Cor" is colour,
> "curado" comes from the verb "curar" which means "to cure" - maybe Theo or
> can help us figure this out.
> Viviana

You are right, Viviana, "mal curado" (in this case, "mal curada" because it
is an adjective which has to agree with "manga" [Portuguese for "mango"] and
"manga" is feminine) means "poorly cured", and I think we all agree that
this delicious variety of mango cannot be (and never was) deemed to be
poorly cured. The correct term is "mal corada" = "poorly coloured" or "ill
coloured" and nobody now seems to know why such a name was given to it, as
both inside and outside its colour is good. Fernando do Rego, Deputy
Director of  Agriculture of Goa (Rtd.) has this to say (I am translating
from Portuguese): "Malcorada is the most popular variety in Goa and the one
which fructifies before all the others in mid March. Contrarily to what its
name seems to indicate - as opposed to another variety, the BEMCORADA - the
fruit has a very attractive colour. There are a number of subtypes and some
of them produce a very fibrous fruit. ... Singh is of the opinion that it is
the second most delicious variety in India, because of the orange colour of
its pulp,its pleasant aroma and sweetness and because it is very juicy. But
Daljit Singh errs when he says that the production centres of the Malcorada
are the villages of Vengurla and Malwan in the neighbouring State of
Maharashtra, from where it spread to Goa which is not far. To prove how much
it is an erroneous statement suffice it to note that these areas have never
been under Portuguese occupation so that this mango should bear so
significant a name".



Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 12:15:29 -0600 (MDT)
From: "rustam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Dear Prime Ministerji

Dear Prime Ministerji,

Ever since your delicately balanced mask fell off and
tumbled onto the sands of liberal Goa's beaches, I have
become terribly envious of you. Henceforth you need not
agonise over =91with what face will I go abroad=92. You have
found your face.

I need to find mine. Even though I have taken off my

Post 9/11, I notice that many are suffering from an
inexplicable neurological condition. Despite our best
efforts all our face muscles seem to be busy twitching
and giving our visage a lopsided twist to the right.

Maybe everything is tilting to the right. It's symptoms
have manifested themselves with ever more

ferociousness in India, since your loyal CM in Gujarat
has been trying hard to follow his Rajdharm as advised
by you. Did you notice the right tilt whenever your Israeli
counter part grins? And yes, Le Pain seems to be
spreading fast in Europe too.

Either I have lost my sense of balance or the world has.
Independent India=92s supposedly rock solid twin towers of
democracy and secularism (at least that=92s what they
taught us in Kendriya Vidyalayas) are shaky. I am
nervous. So I solicit your help.

Since you and your ever so silent Home Minister have
found a simple, clean and surgical solution to the issue
of Hindu-Muslim coexistence, I am sure you will have an
equally effective and instant solution to my problem.
Having gained inspiration from you, I also decided to
unmask myself too. Horror of horrors=85my psuedo-
secularist, liberal, Indian mask has given way to reveal


At this stage either you are with me or not.
Maybe its my paranoia about having to explain (in flat
fifteen seconds) to a trishul wielding angry Hindu mob, in
a riot situation, the complex and ancient history of the
origins of my 'muslim sounding' name. What with my
parents, a punjabi speaking Zoroastrian from Delhi for a
father and a Lahore born Bengali Hindu (Brahmin, if that
matters) mother, having literally and metaphorically
screwed it up for me.

Damn I wish there was something called Parsi
Brahmins! I would imminently qualify, and save my skin. I
hope you have the right post-riot relief camp planned for
difficult people like me. That=92s of course if my fifteen-
second extempore discourse on Persian history had the
desired calming effect on the enraged trishul wielding
red-eyed mob.

PMji , maybe you can help figure out which half of me is
more patriotic. The unbearable Le Pain of not being
able to be part of your nationalist culture is killing me. My
folks from my father=92s side were immigrants and
refugees from erstwhile Persia. I hope that they have
assimilated well into the Indian milieu and not caused
any increase in crime or become a security threat to this
peaceful land. And as for my dear maternal half, I am
sure you would be happy to know that I relish roshogullas
and admire Ma Durga statues every pooja.

But that doesn=92t still solve my problem of being a Zindu.
Being a privileged English speaking elite of this country,
I admit I don=92t have the =91true picture=92 of =91real India=92. I also
know the idea of getting Star TV and Rajdeep Sardesai
to set the picture right for me, is best left to the
imagination. Your utterances of the recent past have left
me confused again. I thought I had my politics sorted out.
Nonetheless, I hazard to lay my confusion bare to your
more experienced self. Because at the end of the day I
have to resolve this crisis of suddenly realising that I am
a Zindu.

A Zindu who has contributed to the melting pot that is
India and who never ceases to be amazed and
fascinated by the diversity of thought and culture in India.
A Zindu who finds the romance of science fascinating
(with due apologies to your HRD Minister).

A Zindu who has learnt that most of India=92s poor, given a
chance, are quite willing to do kar-sewa to build water
harvesting structures with the same zeal as your Sangh
Parivar would like them to build a Ram Mandir or a
Narmada Dam (remember your Home Ministers list of
three achievements =AD the bomb, the Dam and Kargil?).
A Zindu who listens to Madonna (with due apologies to
your I&B Minister) on FM.

A Zindu who bangs his fist watching the Indian cricket
team muck it up at the last moment.

A Zindu who wonders why George Bush wants to label
the rest of as =91non terrorists=92.

PMji, even the Congress cares two hoots about people
like me. I will never benefit from their vote bank politics
or their politics of appeasement. I have no =91native place=92
and certainly don=92t have a =91good name=92. What do I do?
Now I want to share a little secret of mine with you. I don=92t
follow any organised religion, don=92t do any rituals, don=92t
attend any religious discourses, don=92t believe that I need
a priest in my life, don=92t believe that I am either
Zorastrian or Hindu. And guess what? I think I am still
normal, balanced, nose picking, thinking, sometimes
rational and sometimes likeable person. And if it means
anything to the cultural police that your supporters seem
to have become, I am a teetotaller, am not promiscuous.
Not because of any moral qualms, but because I don=92t
like the taste of whisky and rum and because I am too
lazy to chase women. And, yes I think women with short
hair and jeans are OK.

My apologies for being a troublesome non-measurable
variable in your equations. So what plans do you have
for me? Sending the mob after a psuedo-parsi with a
'muslim sounding' name would be a real waste of time. I
suggest we let the real vultures get me.

So while you nationalise, I need to rationalise.

In anticipation

A confused Zindu,
Rustam Vania
Dated: 25th April 2002
Place: New Delhi (my capital)


End of goanet-digest V1 #3882

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