1-            UK report censures Gujarat rulers

              The report is a damning indictment of the government

              By Jill McGivering 
              BBC correspondent in Delhi 

              British officials in India say the recent
              widespread violence in the Indian state of
              Gujarat was pre-planned and carried out with
              the support of the state government. 

              In a damning internal report obtained by the
              BBC, British officials say the violence had all
              the hallmarks of ethnic cleansing and that
              reconciliation between Hindus and Muslims is
              impossible while the chief minister remains in

              News of the British document comes as Indian
              politics is in disarray with opposition parties
              calling for an independent inquiry into the

              The ruling party, the BJP, has consistently
              praised Gujarat's chief minister for his handling
              of the crisis. 

              Damning indictment 

              This leaked report is the result of an
              investigation into the Gujarat violence by
              British officials in India. 

              It is a damning
              indictment of the
              state government. 

              It says the violence,
              far from being
              spontaneous, was
              planned, possibly
              months in advance,
              carried out by an
              extremist Hindu
              organisation with the
              support of the state

              The aim, it says, was to purge Muslims from
              Hindu areas, and it says at least 2,000 people

              Reconciliation between Hindus and Muslims will
              be impossible, it concludes, while Gujarat's
              chief minister remains in power. 

              Political chaos 

              Britain's verdict comes as Indian politics is in
              turmoil in the aftermath of the Gujarat crisis. 

              Leaders of the right-wing BJP, which leads the
              coalition government, have staunchly defended
              the chief minister, a member of the same

              But many in the opposition are demanding his
              resignation and an independent inquiry. 

              Britain's views may be received coldly. 

              As the world's largest democracy, India bitterly
              resents what it calls the interference of foreign
              powers in its affairs - all the more so when the
              criticisms come from a former colonial power. 

Report damns Gujarat
              The reports alleges police did little to stop the

              By Ayanjit Sen 
              BBC correspondent in Delhi 

              A leading non-governmental organisation in
              India - Communalism Combat - says it has
              evidence of government complicity in the
              recent communal riots in the western state of

              The group says it has
              compiled the evidence in
              a 150-page report -
              Genocide 2002 - which
              was released in the
              capital Delhi on

              It said the document is
              based on eye-witness

              The Home Minister of Gujarat, Govardhan
              Jhapadia, told the BBC that the report was
              totally baseless. 

              Nearly 800 people, mostly Muslims, have died
              in the riots which erupted in late February
              when a Muslim mob attacked a train carrying
              Hindu activists, killing 58 people. 

              'Partisan role' 

              A member of the group, Teesta Setalwad, told
              the BBC that right-wing Hindus had infiltrated
              the police as well as other state departments
              in Gujarat. 

              She said police officers
              did not take enough
              steps to control the

              "The state played a
              partisan role in these
              riots", Ms Setalwad

              She said the police
              made only two
              preventive arrests
              after the train incident
              when they had enough
              evidence of provocative pamphlets being
              circulated in the name of different Hindu
              groups asking Hindus to rape, destroy and kill

              The report cited a case where it claims that 36
              of 40 people killed in a single incident in
              Ahmedabad city were Muslims. 

              It said Hindus freely targeted the Muslims
              before the police took action. 

              Police 'guilty' 

              The report says the police did not carry out
              the mandatory drill in the riot-affected areas. 

              No effort was made to contact religious and
              community leaders for appeals of peace, the
              report said. 

              "The general message sent out to the police
              was that minimum response and action to
              panic calls should be allowed, that armed
              crowds of 5-15,000 should be left to do their
              business and complaints should not be
              registered or should be doctored", the report

              The group has alleged that the police were
              guilty of intimidating survivors into filing
              complaints without identifying the accused. 

              The report is the latest in a series of criticisms
              of the Gujarat Government which has been
              under attack by the opposition as well as
              welfare groups for failing to prevent the spread
              of violence in the state. 


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