>From: "aires" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 06:58:11 +0530
>When Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee visited Gujarat he expressed 
>and anguish as to what happened there. "With what face will I face the
>world", the ageing Prime Minister lamented.
>A week later he came to Goa and shows his true face and distinct colours. 
>is surprising that a seasoned politician like Mr Vajpayee stooped so low 
>made a U-turn to pacify the hard-liners in the BJP.

I think you are right and that Vajpayee did try to save face with the 
hardliners in his party with his speech. But from what I understand, to a 
large extent what he said in respect to Muslims in India is true. He said 
that there are two types of Muslims ..one the jihadi type and the other the 
moderate kind. The moderates are those we have no problem with. But the 
jihadi type will not be tolerated.

Now do you think he said anything that is untrue ? I think it is a fact of 
life that Muslims have created a problem with terrorism in the world. The 
terrorism we see in most parts of the world today is linked to religion and 
Islam. India is not alone in this respect. I also recognise that non-Islamic 
states such as America may have encouraged it. After all Bin Ladin was an 
American creation.

However that does not mean all Muslims are bad. The problem is the jihadi 
kind are a few but they are the ones that are vociferous and loud. The 
moderate kind are many but are so quiet that their voice is rarely heard. 
That is the saddest thing to have happened to the hardworking but backward 
Muslim community of India.

The other day the Imam of Jama Masjid, Delhi Mr.Bukhari said that if 
communal violence continued in Gujarat, it would light fires in all of India 
and a civil war would break out which could result in the disintegration of 
India. Now did you see any political party rejecting his statement or 
criticizing him ? The BJP didn't because they want to cool things down right 
now with the ongoing Parliament debate. The Congress didn't because they are 
busy consolidating the minority vote bank. But I think this is the most 
ridiculous, provocative and treacherous statement made by a recognised 
Muslim leader and priest who happens to be a citizen of this country. But 
unfortunately not even the media criticized it.

The problem is we make much out of little....especially the media. When 
churches were bombed in India there was a big hullaballoo. But when it was 
discovered that the Pakistani ISI and Indian jihadi mentality Muslims were 
behind the bombings, there was a kind of eerie silence. Why do we prefer to 
know the truth as we first perceive it rather than if it is the complete 
opposite ?

Anyway, we now know that you do not support Mr.Parrikar. But do enlighten us 
on who you think is better ? And please don't be vague or ambiguous. ;-)


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